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There are 14 words containing 2A, B, C, G, M and R

CABLEGRAMcablegram n. A telegram transmitted via a submarine cable.
cablegram v. (Rare) To communicate by cablegram.
CABLEGRAM n. a message sent by a submarine telegraphic cable.
CABLEGRAMScablegrams n. Plural of cablegram.
CABLEGRAM n. a message sent by a submarine telegraphic cable.
CABBAGEWORMcabbageworm n. Alternative form of cabbage worm.
cabbage␣worm n. Any of various lepidopterans whose larvae feed on cabbages and other cole crops.
CABBAGEWORM n. the larva of the cabbage butterfly.
CARAMBOLINGcaramboling v. Present participle of carambole.
CARAMBOLE v. (French) to make a cannon in billiards, also CAROM, CARROM.
CABBAGEWORMScabbageworms n. Plural of cabbageworm.
cabbage␣worms n. Plural of cabbage worm.
CABBAGEWORM n. the larva of the cabbage butterfly.
BLACKGUARDISMblackguardism n. Blackguardly behaviour or language.
BLACKGUARDISM n. being a blackguard.
CIRCUMAMBAGEScircumambages n. Instances of indirectness or deviousness in speaking or writing: circumlocutions.
CIRCUMAMBAGES n. roundabout methods of speech.
MATCHBOARDINGmatchboarding n. A type of softwood panelling formerly used for walls and ceilings.
MATCHBOARDING n. matchboards collectively.
BLACKGUARDISMSblackguardisms n. Plural of blackguardism.
BLACKGUARDISM n. being a blackguard.
MATCHBOARDINGSMATCHBOARDING n. matchboards collectively.
MICROBAROGRAPHmicrobarograph n. An instrument for recording minor fluctuations of atmospheric pressure, as opposed to general barometric surges.
MICROBAROGRAPH n. an instrument for recording minute changes in atmospheric pressure.
CIRCUMAMBAGIOUScircumambagious adj. Of or relating to circumambages; circumlocutionary.
CIRCUMAMBAGIOUS adj. roundabout in speech.
CIRCUMNAVIGABLEcircumnavigable adj. Able to be circumnavigated.
CIRCUMNAVIGABLE adj. able to be circumnavigated.
MICROBAROGRAPHSmicrobarographs n. Plural of microbarograph.
MICROBAROGRAPH n. an instrument for recording minute changes in atmospheric pressure.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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