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There are 20 words containing 2A, B, C, 2E and V

ABREACTIVEabreactive adj. Capable of producing abreaction.
ABREACTIVE adj. relating to abreaction, the resolution of a neurosis by reviving forgotten or repressed ideas of the event first causing it.
ACHIEVABLEachievable adj. Capable of being achieved, which either means possible or probable.
achievable adj. Not linked to fate or outside influences.
ACHIEVABLE adj. that can be achieved.
AMBIVALENCEambivalence n. The coexistence of opposing attitudes or feelings (such as love and hate) towards a person, object or idea.
ambivalence n. A state of uncertainty or indecisiveness.
AMBIVALENCE n. simultaneous and contradictory feelings toward something, also AMBIVALENCY.
AMBIVALENCESambivalences n. Plural of ambivalence.
AMBIVALENCE n. simultaneous and contradictory feelings toward something, also AMBIVALENCY.
AMBIVALENCIESAMBIVALENCY n. simultaneous and contradictory feelings toward something, also AMBIVALENCE.
CEREBROVASCULARcerebrovascular adj. (Anatomy) Relating to the blood vessels that run to or from the brain.
CEREBROVASCULAR adj. of or involving the cerebrum and the blood vessels supplying it.
CLEAVABILITIEScleavabilities n. Plural of cleavability.
CLEAVABILITY n. the quality of being cleavable.
CLEAVABLEcleavable adj. Capable of being cleaved.
CLEAVABLE adj. capable of cleaving or being divided.
CLEAVABLENESSCLEAVABLE n. capable of cleaving or being divided.
CLEAVABLENESSESCLEAVABLENESS n. CLEAVABLE, capable of cleaving or being divided.
COUNTERVAILABLEcountervailable adj. Able to be countervailed; able to be counteracted, counterbalanced or neutralized; compensable.
COUNTERVAILABLE adj. able to be countervailed.
MICROWAVEABLEmicrowaveable adj. Alternative spelling of microwavable.
MICROWAVEABLE adj. capable of being microwaved, also MICROWAVABLE.
OVERABUNDANCEoverabundance n. An excess of what is needed or is appropriate.
OVERABUNDANCE n. an excessive abundance.
OVERABUNDANCESoverabundances n. Plural of overabundance.
OVERABUNDANCE n. an excessive abundance.
OVERBALANCEoverbalance v. To be more important than; to outweigh.
overbalance v. (Transitive) To cause an imbalance in (something) by means of excess weight or numbers.
overbalance v. (Transitive) To throw (someone or something) off balance; to cause to capsize.
OVERBALANCEDoverbalanced v. Simple past tense and past participle of overbalance.
OVERBALANCE v. to topple over.
OVERBALANCESoverbalances v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overbalance.
OVERBALANCE v. to topple over.
UNACHIEVABLEunachievable adj. That cannot be achieved (or only with great difficulty).
UNACHIEVABLE adj. that cannot be achieved.
VRAISEMBLANCEvraisemblance n. (Literary theory) verisimilitude.
VRAISEMBLANCE n. verisimilitude.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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