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There are 19 words containing 2A, 2B, I, L and U

BALIBUNTALbalibuntal n. A fine, woven straw used for making hats.
balibuntal n. A straw hat made from this material.
BALIBUNTAL n. (Tagalog) fine, closely-woven straw; a hat made of this.
UNBAILABLEunbailable adj. Not bailable.
UNBAILABLE adj. that cannot be bailed.
BALIBUNTALSbalibuntals n. Plural of balibuntal.
BALIBUNTAL n. (Tagalog) fine, closely-woven straw; a hat made of this.
UNHABITABLEunhabitable adj. (Obsolete) Not fit for people to live in; not able to be inhabited.
UNHABITABLE adj. not habitable.
ATTRIBUTABLEattributable adj. Capable of being attributed.
attributable adj. Allowed to be attributed.
ATTRIBUTABLE adj. capable of being attributed.
SUBABDOMINALsubabdominal adj. (Anatomy) Beneath the abdomen.
SUBABDOMINAL adj. relating to the lower abdomen.
SUBLIBRARIANsublibrarian n. An under or assistant librarian.
SUBLIBRARIAN n. a subordinate librarian.
UNOBTAINABLEunobtainable adj. Unable to be obtained: not able to be acquired or reached.
unobtainable n. Someone or something that cannot be obtained.
UNOBTAINABLE adj. not obtainable.
BOUILLABAISSEbouillabaisse n. A type of fish soup or stew from Provence, France.
bouillabaisse n. (Figuratively) A mixture.
BOUILLABAISSE n. (French) a kind of fish soup.
SUBLIBRARIANSsublibrarians n. Plural of sublibrarian.
SUBLIBRARIAN n. a subordinate librarian.
SUBMANDIBULARsubmandibular adj. (Anatomy, relational) Below the mandible.
submandibular adj. (Anatomy, relational) Of or relating to the submandibular gland.
SUBMANDIBULAR n. a submandibular part (as an artery or bone).
UNINHABITABLEuninhabitable adj. Not fit for people (or other living things) to live in; not able to be inhabited.
UNINHABITABLE adj. not inhabitable.
BOUILLABAISSESbouillabaisses n. Plural of bouillabaisse.
BOUILLABAISSE n. (French) a kind of fish soup.
SUBMANDIBULARSSUBMANDIBULAR n. a submandibular part (as an artery or bone).
UNATTRIBUTABLEunattributable adj. Not able to be ascribed or attributed to a particular source.
UNATTRIBUTABLE adj. not attributable.
UNATTRIBUTABLYunattributably adv. In an unattributable manner.
UNINHABITABLESSorry, definition not available.
NONATTRIBUTABLEnonattributable adj. Not attributable.
NONATTRIBUTABLE adj. that cannot be attributed.
QUINALBARBITONEquinalbarbitone n. (Pharmacology) A sedative-hypnotic compound, 5-allyl-5-(1-methylbutyl)-barbituric acid, used to sedate…
QUINALBARBITONE n. an anaesthetic and sedative drug derived from barbiturate, aka secobarbital.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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