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There are 18 words containing 2A, 2B, E, G and N

ABBREVIATINGabbreviating v. Present participle of abbreviate.
ABBREVIATE v. to make briefer.
BACKBREAKINGbackbreaking adj. (Figuratively) Of work, very physically tiring.
back-breaking adj. Alternative form of backbreaking.
BACKBREAKING adj. exhausting.
BAREBACKINGbarebacking n. (Jargon) The practice of engaging in intercourse, most often anal, without using a condom.
BAREBACKING n. the act of practising unprotected sex.
BAREBACKINGSBAREBACKING n. the act of practising unprotected sex.
BAREBOATINGbareboating n. The act of chartering, navigating and living on, a boat, for a holiday etc.
BAREBOATINGSSorry, definition not available.
BARNSBREAKINGBARNSBREAKING n. (Scots) a boisterous frolic; an injurious or mischievous activity.
BARNSBREAKINGSBARNSBREAKING n. (Scots) a boisterous frolic; an injurious or mischievous activity.
BEADBLASTINGBEADBLAST v. to clean with such a jet.
BEANBAGbeanbag n. A piece of soft furniture consisting of a leather or vinyl covering stuffed with dry beans or other similar pellets.
beanbag n. A small cloth bag filled with dry beans, used as a toy or for exercising the hands.
beanbag n. A type of juggling ball usually made from leather or cloth stuffed with dry beans.
BEANBAGSbeanbags n. Plural of beanbag.
bean␣bags n. Plural of bean bag.
BEANBAG n. a small cloth bag containing dried beans and the like.
BEARBAITINGbearbaiting n. A blood sport in which dogs are set upon a chained bear.
bearbaiting n. (Metaphoric) A bloodthirsty free for all.
bearbaiting v. Present participle of bearbait.
BEARBAITINGSbearbaitings n. Plural of bearbaiting.
bear-baitings n. Plural of bear-baiting.
bear␣baitings n. Plural of bear baiting.
BREADBOARDINGbreadboarding v. Present participle of breadboard.
BREADBOARD v. to make an experimental version of (an electronic circuit).
CABBAGETOWNCabbagetown prop.n. A neighbourhood of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, filled with semi-detached Victorian houses.
Cabbagetown prop.n. A neighborhood of Atlanta, Georgia, United States, rebuilt after the American Civil War. A National…
Cabbagetown prop.n. Alternative form of Cabbage Town.
CABBAGETOWNSCABBAGETOWN n. from Cabbagetown, a depressed area of Toronto, where the Anglo-Saxon population was thought to exist on cabbage.
FLABBERGASTINGflabbergasting adj. Overwhelming in a bewildering way; amazing, confounding, stunning, especially in a ludicrous manner.
flabbergasting v. Present participle of flabbergast.
FLABBERGAST v. to overwhelm with shock, surprise, or wonder.
GRANDBABIESgrandbabies n. Plural of grandbaby.
GRANDBABY n. an infant grandchild.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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