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There are 15 words containing 3A, O, S, U and Y

AYAHUASCOAYAHUASCO n. (Quechua) a South American vine, the roots of which yield a drink having a hallucinatory effect, also AYAHUASCA.
AYAHUASCOSAYAHUASCO n. (Quechua) a South American vine, the roots of which yield a drink having a hallucinatory effect, also AYAHUASCA.
AUTOCATALYSEautocatalyse v. Alternative spelling of autocatalyze.
AUTOCATALYSE v. to effect autocatalysis, also AUTOCATALYZE.
AMYGDALACEOUSamygdalaceous adj. (Botany) Akin to, or derived from, the almond.
AMYGDALACEOUS adj. related to the almond, also AMYGDALATE.
AUTOCATALYSEDautocatalysed adj. (Chemistry) Describing the products of an autocatalysis reaction.
AUTOCATALYSE v. to effect autocatalysis, also AUTOCATALYZE.
AUTOCATALYSESautocatalyses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of autocatalyse.
AUTOCATALYSE v. to effect autocatalysis, also AUTOCATALYZE.
AUTOCATALYSISautocatalysis n. (Chemistry) catalysis of a reaction by one of its products.
AUTOCATALYSIS n. the catalysis of a reaction by a product of that reaction.
AUTOCATALYZESautocatalyzes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of autocatalyze.
AUTOCATALYZE v. to subject to autocatalysis, also AUTOCATALYSE.
TRAUMATONASTYTRAUMATONASTY n. a nastic movement after wounding.
ADVANTAGEOUSLYadvantageously adv. In a manner which provides an advantage; in an advantageous manner.
ADVANTAGEOUS adv. giving an advantage.
AMARYLLIDACEOUSamaryllidaceous adj. (Botany) Of or relating to the family Amaryllidaceae of herbaceous, perennial and bulbous flowering plants.
AMARYLLIDACEOUS adj. belonging to the Amaryllis family.
ASTRONAUTICALLYastronautically adv. In an astronautic way.
ASTRONAUTICAL adv. relating to astronautics, also ASTRONAUTIC.
IMMUNOASSAYABLEimmunoassayable adj. Suitable for immunoassay.
IMMUNOASSAYABLE adj. capable of undergoing immunoassay.
SUPRANATIONALLYsupranationally adv. In a supranational way.
SUPRANATIONAL adv. transcending national boundaries, authority, or interests.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 361 words
  • Scrabble in French: 42 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 119 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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