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There are 9 words containing 3A, O, 2P and U

APPOGGIATURAappoggiatura n. (Music) A type of musical ornament, falling on the beat, which often creates a suspension and subtracts…
APPOGGIATURA n. (Italian) a short note placed before a longer one.
APPOGGIATURASappoggiaturas n. Plural of appoggiatura.
APPOGGIATURA n. (Italian) a short note placed before a longer one.
CAPPARIDACEOUScapparidaceous adj. (Botany) Belonging to the family Capparidaceae (preferred: Capparaceae) of capers and close relatives.
CAPPARIDACEOUS adj. of the Capparidaceae family of plants, related to the crucifers, and including the caper.
CARPOMETACARPUScarpometacarpus n. (Anatomy) The fusion of digits (carpals and metacarpals) that forms the wing in birds.
CARPOMETACARPUS n. in birds, a bone of the wing formed by fusion of some of the carpals with the metacarpals.
PAPAVERACEOUSpapaveraceous adj. Of or pertaining to the poppy family Papaveraceae.
PAPAVERACEOUS adj. pertaining to or like a poppy; belonging to the poppy family of plants.
PIPIWHARAUROAPIPIWHARAUROA n. (Maori) a Pacific migratory bird with metallic gold-green plumage.
PIPIWHARAUROASPIPIWHARAUROA n. (Maori) a Pacific migratory bird with metallic gold-green plumage.
UNAPPROACHABLEunapproachable adj. Not accessible or able to be reached.
unapproachable adj. Aloof and unfriendly.
unapproachable adj. Without any serious competition; unbeatable.
UNAPPROACHABLYunapproachably adv. In an unapproachable manner.
UNAPPROACHABLE adv. not approachable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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