CAMPANULACEOUS | • campanulaceous adj. (Botany) Of, relating to, or resembling the Campanulaceae, a family of plants including the harebell. • CAMPANULACEOUS adj. belonging to the bellflower family. |
HAPAXANTHOUS | • hapaxanthous adj. Being or relating to a hapaxanth. • HAPAXANTHOUS adj. monocarpous, also HAPAXANTHIC. |
PANDANACEOUS | • pandanaceous adj. (Botany) Of or relating to the plant family Pandanaceae. • PANDANACEOUS adj. belonging to the Pandanaceae, a family of trees and bushes related to the bulrushes and bur-reeds. |
PARABOLANUS | • parabolanus n. (Historical, Christianity) In the early Eastern Church, a lay assistant to the clergy for tending the sick. • PARABOLANUS n. in the early eastern church, a layman who tends the sick. |
PARABOLANUSES | • PARABOLANUS n. in the early eastern church, a layman who tends the sick. |
PARAGNATHOUS | • paragnathous adj. (Zoology) having both mandibles of equal length, with the tips meeting, as in certain birds. • PARAGNATHOUS adj. having equal mandibles. |
PARAJOURNALISM | • parajournalism n. The deceptive use of journalistic style and presentation to publish falsehoods. • PARAJOURNALISM n. journalism that is heavily colored by the opinions of the reporter. |
PARAJOURNALISMS | • PARAJOURNALISM n. journalism that is heavily colored by the opinions of the reporter. |
PLANTAGINACEOUS | • plantaginaceous adj. (Botany) Of or relating to the family Plantaginaceae of plantains and close relatives. • PLANTAGINACEOUS adj. belonging to the plantain family. |
PLATANACEOUS | • platanaceous adj. (Botany) Belonging to the family Platanaceae of plane trees. • PLATANACEOUS adj. belonging to the family Platanaceae, plane trees etc. |
SUPRANATIONAL | • supranational adj. Beyond the borders or scope of any one nation. • supranational n. Such a person or organization. • SUPRANATIONAL adj. transcending national boundaries, authority, or interests. |
SUPRANATIONALLY | • supranationally adv. In a supranational way. • SUPRANATIONAL adv. transcending national boundaries, authority, or interests. |
SUPRARATIONAL | • suprarational adj. (Of thought etc.) above, yet including the rational; encompassing a truth of scope greater than ordinary… • SUPRARATIONAL adj. transcending the rational. |
UNAPPROACHABLE | • unapproachable adj. Not accessible or able to be reached. • unapproachable adj. Aloof and unfriendly. • unapproachable adj. Without any serious competition; unbeatable. |
UNAPPROACHABLY | • unapproachably adv. In an unapproachable manner. • UNAPPROACHABLE adv. not approachable. |
URANOGRAPHICAL | • uranographical adj. Relating to uranography. • URANOGRAPHICAL adj. relating to uranography, descriptive astronomy and mapping, also URANOGRAPHIC. |