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There are 15 words containing 3A, I, M, P and U

PARAMAECIUMparamaecium n. Archaic form of paramecium.
PARAMAECIUM n. a microscopic unicellular ciliate protozoa, also PARAMECIUM, PARAMOECIUM.
MARSUPIALIANmarsupialian n. (Archaic, zoology) Any of the Marsupialia; a marsupial.
MARSUPIALIAN n. a marsupial mammal.
AMPHIBLASTULAamphiblastula n. A larva of some sponges that has equal numbers of both flagellate and nonflagellate cells separated…
AMPHIBLASTULA n. the free-swimming larva of certain sponges, which consists of a hollow spherical mass of cells some of which have flagella.
MANIPULATABLEmanipulatable adj. Suitable for, or able to be subjected to manipulation.
manipulatable adj. Gullible or susceptible to persuasion.
MANIPULATABLE adj. capable of being manipulated.
MARSUPIALIANSmarsupialians n. Plural of marsupialian.
MARSUPIALIAN n. a marsupial mammal.
ALPHANUMERICALalphanumerical adj. Consisting of only letters and numbers; alphanumeric.
ALPHANUMERICAL adj. of data, consisting of both letters and numbers, also ALPHANUMERIC.
AMPHIBLASTULAEAMPHIBLASTULA n. the free-swimming larva of certain sponges, which consists of a hollow spherical mass of cells some of which have flagella.
PARAJOURNALISMparajournalism n. The deceptive use of journalistic style and presentation to publish falsehoods.
PARAJOURNALISM n. journalism that is heavily colored by the opinions of the reporter.
PHARMACEUTICALpharmaceutical adj. (Medicine, pharmacy, pharmacology) Of, or relating to pharmacy or pharmacists.
pharmaceutical n. (Medicine, pharmacy, pharmacology) A pharmaceutical or pharmacological preparation or product; a drug.
PHARMACEUTICAL n. a medicinal drug, also PHARMACEUTIC.
SUPRAMAXILLARYsupramaxillary adj. (Anatomy) Situated over the lower jaw.
supramaxillary adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to the upper jaw.
supramaxillary n. (Anatomy) The superior maxillary, or upper jawbone.
THAUMATROPICALTHAUMATROPICAL adj. of or like a thaumatrope, an optical toy in which pictures on both sides of a card are seen to combine when the card is rotated rapidly.
PARAJOURNALISMSPARAJOURNALISM n. journalism that is heavily colored by the opinions of the reporter.
PHARMACEUTICALSpharmaceuticals n. Plural of pharmaceutical.
PHARMACEUTICAL n. a medicinal drug, also PHARMACEUTIC.
SUBLAPSARIANISMsublapsarianism n. Infralapsarianism.
SUBLAPSARIANISM n. a doctrine of moderate Calvinists, that God permitted the fall of Adam without preordaining it.
UNPARLIAMENTARYunparliamentary adj. Unsuitable to be used in parliament.
unparliamentary adj. Contrary to the rules of parliament.
UNPARLIAMENTARY adj. contrary to the practice of parliamentary bodies.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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