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There are 12 words containing 3A, H, 2S and U

AYAHUASCASayahuascas n. Plural of ayahuasca.
AYAHUASCA n. (Quechua) a South American vine, the roots of which yield a drink having a hallucinatory effect, also AYAHUASCO.
AYAHUASCOSAYAHUASCO n. (Quechua) a South American vine, the roots of which yield a drink having a hallucinatory effect, also AYAHUASCA.
SACAHUISTAsacahuista n. Nolina microcarpa, a flowering plant in the asparagus family.
SACAHUISTA n. (Nahuatl) a bear grass that may cause poisoning in livestock, also SACAHUISTE.
EUTHANASIASeuthanasias n. Plural of euthanasia.
EUTHANASIA n. the practice of ending the life of an individual suffering from a terminal illness or incurable condition, also EUTHANASY.
SACAHUISTASSACAHUISTA n. (Nahuatl) a bear grass that may cause poisoning in livestock, also SACAHUISTE.
AGAPANTHUSESagapanthuses n. Plural of agapanthus.
AGAPANTHUS n. a genus of lily native to South Africa.
EUTHANASIASTEUTHANASIAST n. a supporter of euthanasia.
ARCHOSAURIANSarchosaurians n. Plural of archosaurian.
ARCHOSAURIAN n. any of a subclass of reptiles comprising pterosaurs, dinosaurs and crocodilians, also ARCHOSAUR.
EUTHANASIASTSEUTHANASIAST n. a supporter of euthanasia.
KATHAREVOUSASKATHAREVOUSA n. a formal archaizing written form of Modern Greek, based on Ancient Greek.
SUBPARAGRAPHSsubparagraphs n. Plural of subparagraph.
sub-paragraphs n. Plural of sub-paragraph (alternative spelling of subparagraphs).
SUBPARAGRAPH n. a subdivision of a paragraph.
EUPHAUSIACEANSeuphausiaceans n. Plural of euphausiacean.
EUPHAUSIACEAN n. a member of the Euphausiidae or the Euphausiacea, shrimplike creatures.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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