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There are 19 words containing 3A, G, 2O and P

AGORAPHOBIAagoraphobia n. The fear of wide open spaces, crowds, or uncontrolled social conditions.
agoraphobia n. (Rare) An aversion to markets.
AGORAPHOBIA n. a morbid fear of open spaces.
AGORAPHOBIASagoraphobias n. Plural of agoraphobia.
AGORAPHOBIA n. a morbid fear of open spaces.
PROPAGATIONALpropagational adj. That propagates, or causes propagation.
PROPAGATIONAL adj. relating to propagation.
AUTORADIOGRAPHautoradiograph n. (Photography) A photograph image produced by placing a film in contact with a specimen containing (or…
autoradiograph v. (Transitive) To subject to autoradiography.
AUTORADIOGRAPH n. an autoradiographic record, also RADIOAUTOGRAPH.
CAMPANOLOGICALcampanological adj. Relating to campanology.
CAMPANOLOGICAL adj. related to campanology.
HAEMATOPHAGOUShaematophagous adj. (British spelling) Feeding on blood.
hæmatophagous adj. Obsolete spelling of hematophagous.
HAEMATOPHAGOUS adj. of certain animals, feeding on blood, also HEMATOPHAGOUS.
MACROSPORANGIAmacrosporangia n. Plural of macrosporangium.
MACROSPORANGIUM n. a sporangium producing only megaspores.
RADIOAUTOGRAPHradioautograph n. Autoradiograph.
RADIOAUTOGRAPH n. an autoradiographic record, also AUTORADIOGRAPH.
AUTORADIOGRAPHSautoradiographs n. Plural of autoradiograph.
AUTORADIOGRAPH n. an autoradiographic record, also RADIOAUTOGRAPH.
AUTORADIOGRAPHYautoradiography n. The process of making autoradiographs.
AUTORADIOGRAPHY n. a technique used to show the distribution of radioactively labelled molecules in cells or tissues.
OCEANOGRAPHICALoceanographical adj. Of or pertaining to oceanography, the science of oceans.
OCEANOGRAPHICAL adj. relating to oceanography, also OCEANOGRAPHIC.
ORGANOGRAPHICALorganographical adj. Alternative form of organographic.
ORGANOGRAPHICAL adj. related to organography, a description of the organs of plants or animals, also ORGANOGRAPHIC.
PALAEOGEOGRAPHYpalaeogeography n. The study of historical geography — of the (chiefly physical, but sometimes political/cultural) geography…
palæogeography n. Obsolete spelling of palaeogeography.
PALAEOGEOGRAPHY n. the study of the geography of geological periods.
PALAEONTOGRAPHYpalaeontography n. The description of fossil remains in scientific literature.
palaeontography n. The representation of forms of life represented by fossil remains.
PALAEONTOGRAPHY n. descriptive palaeontology, the description of fossil remains.
PALAEOPATHOLOGYpalaeopathology n. Alternative form of paleopathology.
PALAEOPATHOLOGY n. the pathological study of the ancient remains of animals and humans.
PARASITOLOGICALparasitological adj. Of or pertaining to parasites or to parasitology.
PARASITOLOGICAL adj. relating to parasitology, also PARASITOLOGIC.
PHARMACOLOGICALpharmacological adj. (Pharmacology) Of or having to do with pharmacology.
PHARMACOLOGICAL adj. relating to pharmacology, also PHARMACOLOGIC.
RADIOAUTOGRAPHSradioautographs n. Plural of radioautograph.
RADIOAUTOGRAPH n. an autoradiographic record, also AUTORADIOGRAPH.
RADIOAUTOGRAPHYradioautography n. Autoradiography.
RADIOAUTOGRAPHY n. the use of radioautographs.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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