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There are 17 words containing 3A, D, 2L and O

ALKALOIDALalkaloidal adj. (Organic chemistry) Of or pertaining to alkaloids.
ALKALOIDAL adj. pertaining to, resembling, or containing, alkali.
ALLARGANDOallargando adv. (Music) Decreasing in tempo; getting slower.
ALLARGANDO adv. (Italian) with slowing tempo.
ALLANTOIDALallantoidal adj. (Anatomy) Of or relating to the allantois.
ALLANTOIDAL adj. pertaining to the allantois; sausage-shaped, also ALLANTOIC.
AMYGDALOIDALamygdaloidal adj. Shaped like an almond.
amygdaloidal adj. Of, like or pertaining to, the amygdaloid mineral.
AMYGDALOIDAL adj. having amygdules.
DILATATIONALdilatational adj. Involving dilatation (or compression).
DILATATIONAL adj. relating to dilatation.
GLADIATORIALgladiatorial adj. Of or pertaining to a gladiator.
GLADIATORIAL adj. of or like a gladiator, also GLADIATORIAN, GLADIATORY.
PARABOLOIDALparaboloidal adj. Having a paraboloid shape.
PARABOLOIDAL adj. of or like a paraboloid.
GRADATIONALLYgradationally adv. In terms of or by means of gradation.
GRADATIONAL adv. relating to gradation.
PARADOXICALLYparadoxically adv. In a paradoxical manner; so as to create a paradox.
PARADOXICAL adv. of the nature of a paradox, also PARADOXAL.
ADAPTATIONALLYadaptationally adv. In terms of, or by means of, adaptation.
ADAPTATIONAL adv. relating to adaptation.
DIAGONALISABLEdiagonalisable adj. Alternative form of diagonalizable.
DIAGONALISABLE adj. a mathematical term relating to a property of matrices, also DIAGONALIZABLE.
DIAGONALIZABLEdiagonalizable adj. Able to be diagonalized.
DIAGONALIZABLE adj. a mathematical term relating to a property of matrices, also DIAGONALISABLE.
AERODYNAMICALLYaerodynamically adv. In an aerodynamic manner, in a manner which reduces drag.
aerodynamically adv. From the perspective of aerodynamics.
AERODYNAMICAL adv. relating to aerodynamics, also AERODYNAMIC.
AMARYLLIDACEOUSamaryllidaceous adj. (Botany) Of or relating to the family Amaryllidaceae of herbaceous, perennial and bulbous flowering plants.
AMARYLLIDACEOUS adj. belonging to the Amaryllis family.
NONDRAMATICALLYSorry, definition not available.
PARALLELOPIPEDAPARALLELOPIPEDA plural of parallelopipedon* (which has sixteen letters), a solid figure bounded by six parallelograms, opposite pairs being identical and parallel.
RADIOLOCATIONALradiolocational adj. Relating to radiolocation.
RADIOLOCATIONAL adj. relating to radiolocation, position-finding by radio signals.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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