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There are 20 words containing 3A, D, I, L and V

ADVERSARIALadversarial adj. Characteristic of, or in the manner of, an adversary; combative, hostile, opposed.
adversarial adj. (Law) In which issues are tried through the presentation of evidence and argument by adverse parties…
ADVERSARIAL adj. combative, antagonistic.
CARDIOVASCULARcardiovascular adj. Relating to the circulatory system, that is the heart and blood vessels.
CARDIOVASCULAR adj. of, relating to, or involving the heart and blood vessels.
CAVALCADINGcavalcading v. Present participle of cavalcade.
CAVALCADE v. to ride in a cavalcade.
DATAVEILLANCEdataveillance n. The systematic surveillance of all the electronic records of a person’s activities, especially the usage…
DATAVEILLANCE n. the monitoring of a person's activities by studying the data trail created by actions such as credit card purchases, cell phone calls, and Internet use.
DATAVEILLANCESDATAVEILLANCE n. the monitoring of a person's activities by studying the data trail created by actions such as credit card purchases, cell phone calls, and Internet use.
LANDGRAVIATElandgraviate n. The office or jurisdiction of a landgrave.
landgraviate n. The countship of a landgrave, a rare type of principality in the Holy Roman Empire.
LANDGRAVIATE n. the jurisdiction or position of a landgrave, also LANDGRAVATE.
LANDGRAVIATESlandgraviates n. Plural of landgraviate.
LANDGRAVIATE n. the jurisdiction or position of a landgrave, also LANDGRAVATE.
MALADAPTIVEmaladaptive adj. (Psychology, chiefly of behaviour) Showing inadequate or counterproductive mental and behavioral adaptation…
maladaptive adj. (Evolution, of anatomy, physiology, or behavior) Showing inadequate or counterproductive evolutionary…
MALADAPTIVE adj. marked by poor or inadequate adaptation.
MALADAPTIVELYmaladaptively adv. In a maladaptive manner.
MALADAPTIVE adv. marked by poor or inadequate adaptation.
VACATIONLANDvacationland n. An area that is often the site of vacations, or well suited for vacations.
Vacationland prop.n. The co-official nickname for the state of Maine in the United States.
Vacationland prop.n. A region of Ohio in the north-central part of the state, along the western half of the Lake Erie shoreline…
VACATIONLANDSvacationlands n. Plural of vacationland.
VACATIONLAND n. an area with recreational attractions and facilities for vacationers.
VALETUDINARIANvaletudinarian adj. Sickly, infirm, of ailing health.
valetudinarian adj. Being overly worried about one’s health.
valetudinarian n. A person in poor health or sickly, especially one who is constantly obsessed with their state of health.
VALETUDINARIANSvaletudinarians n. Plural of valetudinarian.
VALETUDINARIAN n. a person of weak or sickly constitution.
VANDALISATIONvandalisation n. Vandalism.
VANDALISATION n. the act of vandalising, also VANDALIZATION.
VANDALIZATIONvandalization n. Vandalism.
VANDALIZATION n. the act of vandalizing, also VANDALISATION.
VANDALIZATIONSvandalizations n. Plural of vandalization.
VANDALIZATION n. the act of vandalizing, also VANDALISATION.
VASODILATATIONvasodilatation n. Dilatation of a blood vessel.
VASODILATATION n. dilatation of blood vessels, also VASODILATION.
VASODILATATIONSvasodilatations n. Plural of vasodilatation.
VASODILATATION n. dilatation of blood vessels, also VASODILATION.
VASODILATATORYvasodilatatory adj. Alternative form of vasodilatory.
VASODILATATORY adj. relating to vasodilatation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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