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There are 17 words containing 4A, L, O and S

PALAEOGAEASPALAEOGAEA n. the Old World as a biological region.
AMALGAMATORSamalgamators n. Plural of amalgamator.
AMALGAMATOR n. one who amalgamates.
LALAPALOOZASlalapaloozas n. Plural of lalapalooza.
AMALGAMATIONSamalgamations n. Plural of amalgamation.
AMALGAMATION n. the act of amalgamating.
AMBASSADORIALambassadorial adj. Of or pertaining to an ambassador.
AMBASSADORIAL adj. of or like an ambassador.
GALACTOSAEMIAgalactosaemia n. Alternative spelling of galactosemia.
GALACTOSAEMIA n. the presence of galactose in the blood, also GALACTOSEMIA.
LALLAPALOOZASlallapaloozas n. Plural of lallapalooza.
MALACOSTRACANmalacostracan n. (Zoology) Any of very many crustaceans of the class Malacostraca.
MALACOSTRACAN n. any of a large subclass of crustaceans having a thorax consisting of eight segments usually covered by a carapace and including the decapods and isopods.
GALACTOSAEMIASgalactosaemias n. Plural of galactosaemia.
GALACTOSAEMIA n. the presence of galactose in the blood, also GALACTOSEMIA.
MALACOSTRACANSmalacostracans n. Plural of malacostracan.
MALACOSTRACAN n. any of a large subclass of crustaceans having a thorax consisting of eight segments usually covered by a carapace and including the decapods and isopods.
MALADAPTATIONSmaladaptations n. Plural of maladaptation.
MALADAPTATION n. poor or inadequate adaptation.
PALATALISATIONpalatalisation n. Alternative spelling of palatalization.
PALATALISATION n. the process of palatalising, also PALATALIZATION.
TOBACCANALIANStobaccanalians n. Plural of tobaccanalian.
TOBACCANALIAN n. (facetious) a smoker.
PALATALISATIONSpalatalisations n. Plural of palatalisation.
PALATALISATION n. the process of palatalising, also PALATALIZATION.
PALATALIZATIONSpalatalizations n. Plural of palatalization.
PALATALIZATION n. the process of palatalizing, also PALATALISATION.
PHANTASMAGORIALphantasmagorial adj. Alternative form of phantasmagoric.
PHANTASMAGORIAL adj. of or like a phantasmagoria, also PHANTASMAGORIC.
TARSOMETATARSALtarsometatarsal adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to both the tarsus and metatarsus.
tarsometatarsal adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to the tarsometatarsus.
TARSOMETATARSAL adj. relating to the tarsometatarsus, a bird's shankbone.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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