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There are 4 words containing 4A, F, I and N

INFRALAPSARIANinfralapsarian n. (Christianity) A Calvinist who holds that election is a logical consequent of the Fall of man in the…
INFRALAPSARIAN n. a person who believes that foreknowledge of the Fall preceded God's decree of who was predestined to salvation and who was not.
INFRALAPSARIANSinfralapsarians n. Plural of infralapsarian.
INFRALAPSARIAN n. a person who believes that foreknowledge of the Fall preceded God's decree of who was predestined to salvation and who was not.
RASTAFARIANRastafarian n. An adherent of Rastafarianism.
Rastafarian adj. Of or relating to Rastafarianism or its adherents.
RASTAFARIAN n. a member of rastafari, a West Indian cult which rejects western ideas and regards the Emperor Haile Selassie as divine.
RASTAFARIANSRastafarians n. Plural of Rastafarian.
RASTAFARIAN n. a member of rastafari, a West Indian cult which rejects western ideas and regards the Emperor Haile Selassie as divine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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