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There are 8 words containing 4A, D and 2R

ABRACADABRAabracadabra n. A use of the mystical term ‘abracadabra’, supposed to work as part of a healing charm or a magical spell;…
abracadabra n. Mumbo-jumbo; obscure language or technicalities; jargon.
abracadabra interj. Used to indicate that a magic trick or other illusion has been performed.
TARANTARAEDTARANTARA v. to make the sound of a trumpet or horn.
ABRACADABRASabracadabras n. Plural of abracadabra.
ABRACADABRA n. a magic word, used as a charm.
PARAQUADRATEparaquadrate adj. Synonym of squamosal.
PARAQUADRATE n. a paired membrane bone of the vertebrate skull.
PARAQUADRATESPARAQUADRATE n. a paired membrane bone of the vertebrate skull.
TARATANTARAEDTARATANTARA v. to make the sound of a trumpet.
QUADRAGENARIANquadragenarian n. Synonym of fortysomething: a person between 40 and 49 years old.
quadragenarian adj. Of or related to fortysomethings.
QUADRAGENARIAN n. a person who is forty years old, or between forty and fifty.
QUADRAGENARIANSquadragenarians n. Plural of quadragenarian.
QUADRAGENARIAN n. a person who is forty years old, or between forty and fifty.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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