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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing A, N, 2O, R and 2T

ANNOTATORannotator n. One who annotates.
ANNOTATOR n. one who annotates.
CONTACTORcontactor n. (Electrical engineering) A relay used to control an electrical power circuit.
CONTACTOR n. a device for repeatedly making or breaking an electric circuit.
CONTRALTOcontralto n. (Music) The lowest female voice or voice part, falling between tenor and mezzo-soprano. The terms contralto…
CONTRALTO n. (Italian) the part sung by the highest male or lowest female voices.
DETONATORdetonator n. A device used to detonate an explosive device etc.
detonator n. (Rail transport, UK) a small explosive device attached to the railhead to provide an audible warning…
detonator n. (Archaic) Any explosive whose action is practically instantaneous.
HORTATIONhortation n. The act of exhorting, inciting, or giving advice; exhortation.
HORTATION n. the act of exhorting.
INTONATORintonator n. A device for adding intonation to synthesized speech.
INTONATOR n. one who intonates.
PROTONATEprotonate v. (Chemistry, transitive) To add one or more protons to (a molecule, ion or radical).
protonate v. (Chemistry, intransitive) To acquire an additional proton.
PROTONATE v. to acquire an additional proton.
RATTOONEDrattooned v. Simple past tense and past participle of rattoon.
RATTOON v. to sprout from a root planted the previous year, also RATOON.
ROTATIONSrotations n. Plural of rotation.
ROTATION n. an instance of rotating.
SORTATIONsortation n. (Uncountable) The use of any process of sorting.
sortation n. (Countable) A process or instance of sorting.
sortation n. The automated sorting of things, especially the use of barcodes to sort and route items.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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