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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing A, N, 2O, P, R and S

COPATRONScopatrons n. Plural of copatron.
COPATRON n. a fellow patron.
CORPOSANTcorposant n. An electrical discharge accompanied by a corona of ionization in the surrounding atmosphere.
CORPOSANT n. St Elmo's fire or similar electrical discharge.
CRAMPOONScrampoons n. Plural of crampoon.
CRAMPOON n. a device for raising heavy objects, also CRAMPET.
FLOORPANSfloorpans n. Plural of floorpan.
FLOORPAN n. the bottom part of the interior of a motor vehicle.
MONOCARPSmonocarps n. Plural of monocarp.
MONOCARP n. a plant that yields fruit only once before dying.
NANOPORESnanopores n. Plural of nanopore.
NANOPORE n. a microscopic pore.
NONPAROUSnonparous adj. (Of a woman or female animal) That has not given birth.
nonparous adj. (Of a mosquito or other female insect) That has not yet laid eggs.
NONPAROUS adj. having not given birth to any offspring.
PICAROONSpicaroons n. Plural of picaroon.
picaroons v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of picaroon.
PICAROON v. to act as a pirate.
PONDEROSAponderosa n. A very large species of pine tree native to western North America, Pinus ponderosa.
ponderosa n. A social, lime or get together where planning or issues are discussed.
Ponderosa prop.n. A census-designated place in Tulare County, California, United States.
PORNOMAGSporno␣mags n. Plural of porno mag.
PORNOMAG n. a pornographic magazine.
PORTOLANSportolans n. Plural of portolan.
PORTOLAN n. (Italian) in the Middle Ages, a navigation manual, also PORTOLANO, PORTULAN.
PRONATORSpronators n. Plural of pronator.
PRONATOR n. a forearm or forelimb muscle.
PROPANOLSpropanols n. Plural of propanol.
PROPANOL n. propyl alcohol.
PROSODIANprosodian n. A prosodist.
PROSODIAN n. one skilled in prosody, also PROSODIST.
SONOGRAPHsonograph n. An instrument that produces sonograms.
SONOGRAPH n. an instrument for recording and analysing sound.
SOPRANINOsopranino n. (Music) a musical instrument, especially a saxophone or recorder, that is a pitch higher than the soprano…
SOPRANINO n. (Italian) an instrument higher than the corresponding soprano.
SPADROONSspadroons n. Plural of spadroon.
SPADROON n. (historical) a sword, esp. a broadsword, formerly used both to cut and thrust.
SPOROZOANsporozoan n. Any of many parasitic protozoans, of the class Sporozoa, that reproduce alternately sexually and asexually…
SPOROZOAN n. any parasitic protozoan of the class Sporozoa, including the causal organisms of malaria and pebrine, also SPOROZOON.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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