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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 8 nine-letter words containing A, M, 2O, P, R and T

COMPACTORcompactor n. A machine that reduces the bulk of waste or other material by compaction.
COMPACTOR n. one who compacts, also COMPACTER.
KOMPROMATkompromat n. Compromising material, blackmail material, (real or fabricated) evidence that a person does not want revealed, dirt.
KOMPROMAT n. documents, photographs, etc that may be damaging to a person's reputation, kept as a potential tool for blackmail.
MONOPTERAmonoptera n. Plural of monopteron.
MONOPTERON n. a circular temple with one ring of columns.
PHOTOGRAMphotogram n. A photograph made without using a camera; normally by placing an object in contact with photosensitive…
PHOTOGRAM n. a photograph.
PROSOMATAprosomata n. Plural of prosoma.
PROSOMA n. the front region of the body of an invertebrate.
PROSTOMIAprostomia n. Plural of prostomium.
PROSTOMIUM n. that portion of the head of an annelid situated in front of the mouth.
PROTONEMAprotonema n. (Botany) A filament of cells that forms following the germination of the spores of mosses and liverworts.
PROTONEMA n. a branched filament produced by germination of a moss spore, giving rise to moss plants from buds.
TOMOGRAPHtomograph n. A machine for making an X-ray of a single plane of the body.
TOMOGRAPH n. an instrument for viewing a section of an object using X-rays.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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