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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing A, M, N, O, S, T and U

ACONITUMSaconitums n. Plural of aconitum.
ACONITUM n. (Latin) the poisonous herb aconite; also, an extract from it, also ACONITE.
ALUMSTONEalumstone n. (Mineralogy) alunite.
alum␣stone n. (Mineralogy) A subsulphate of alumina and potash; alunite.
ALUMSTONE n. a hydrous sulphate of aluminum and potassium, aka alunite.
ANOESTRUManoestrum n. Synonym of anestrus.
ANOESTRUM n. (Greek) a period of sexual inactivity, also ANESTRUM.
ANTIMUONSantimuons n. Plural of antimuon.
ANTIMUON n. the antiparticle of a muon.
CAUMSTONEcaumstone n. Alternative form of camstone.
CAUMSTONE n. (Scots) a white argillaceous stone used for whitening doorsteps, also CALMSTANE, CALMSTONE, CAMSTANE, CAMSTONE, CAUMSTANE.
COSMONAUTcosmonaut n. An astronaut, especially a Russian or Soviet one.
COSMONAUT n. a Russian astronaut.
MANGOUSTEmangouste n. (Archaic) A mongoose.
MANGOUSTE n. (French) a mongoose.
MOUNTAINSmountains n. Plural of mountain.
mountains n. Mountain range.
Mountains n. Plural of Mountain.
MOUNTANTSmountants n. Plural of mountant.
MOUNTANT n. an adhesive paste for mounting photographs etc.
MUTATIONSmutations n. Plural of mutation.
MUTATION n. the act of changing.
NEUROMASTneuromast n. A cluster of ciliated and other neural cells that serves as a simple sensory organ in some fish and amphibians.
NEUROMAST n. a sensory cell in fish.
SEAMOUNTSseamounts n. Plural of seamount.
SEAMOUNT n. a volcanic mountain on the seafloor.
SUMMATIONsummation n. Summarization; summary; summing up.
summation n. (Mathematics) summing; summing up; adding (adding up) of a series of items.
SUMMATION n. the act of summing.
TAUTONYMStautonyms n. Plural of tautonym.
TAUTONYM n. a taxonomic name in which the specific name repeats the generic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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