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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing A, L, O, R, S and 2U

ALBURNOUSalburnous adj. Of or pertaining to alburnum.
ALBURNOUS adj. of or pertaining to alburnum, the white and softer part of wood.
ARDUOUSLYarduously adv. In an arduous manner.
ARDUOUS adv. laborious.
CRAPULOUScrapulous adj. Characterized by excessive eating or drinking.
crapulous adj. Suffering physically from the consequences of excessive eating or drinking.
crapulous adj. Surcharged with liquor; sick from excessive indulgence in drinking or eating.
GARRULOUSgarrulous adj. Excessively or tiresomely talkative.
garrulous adj. (Of something written or performed) Excessively wordy and rambling.
GARRULOUS adj. talkative.
GRANULOUSgranulous adj. Granular.
GRANULOUS adj. consisting of or like grains or granules, also GRANULOSE.
OPUSCULAROPUSCULAR adj. of or like an opuscule.
ORACULOUSoraculous adj. (Now rare) Oracular.
ORACULOUS adj. of the nature of an oracle, also ORACULAR.
RAUCOUSLYraucously adv. In a raucous manner; loudly.
RAUCOUS adv. loud and unruly.
SUBOCULARsubocular adj. (Anatomy) Below the eye.
subocular n. (Zoology) One of the scales below the eyes.
SUBOCULAR adj. situated under, or on the ventral side of, the eye.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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