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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, L, O, P, R and 2S

GRASSPLOTgrassplot n. (US and 19th century English) A lawn.
grassplot n. (US) An area of grass on which cars may be parked.
GRASSPLOT n. a plot of ground overgrown with grass.
PARCLOSESparcloses n. Plural of parclose.
PARCLOSE n. a railing in a church enclosing altar, chapel or tomb.
PASTORALSpastorals n. Plural of pastoral.
PASTORAL n. a pastoral poem, play etc.
PERSONALSpersonals n. Plural of personal.
personals n. (Rare) Personal matters; matters which are peculiar or proper to private concerns.
PERSONAL n. an advertisement or notice in the personal column of a newspaper.
PETROSALSpetrosals n. Plural of petrosal.
PETROSAL n. the stony part of the temporal bone around the inner ear.
PLASTRONSplastrons n. Plural of plastron.
PLASTRON n. a fencer's padded breast-shield; the underside of a turtle's shell, also PLASTRUM.
PLIOSAURSpliosaurs n. Plural of pliosaur.
PLIOSAUR n. a type of fossil marine reptile.
POLARISESpolarises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of polarise.
POLARISE v. to give polarity to, also POLARIZE.
POLESTARSpolestars n. Plural of polestar.
pole␣stars n. Plural of pole star.
POLESTAR n. a guiding principle.
PORTLASTSportlasts n. Plural of portlast.
PORTLAST n. (obsolete) the gunwale of a ship, also PORTOISE.
PROLAPSESprolapses n. Plural of prolapse.
prolapses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of prolapse.
PROLAPSE v. to slip or fall out of place.
PROLAPSUSprolapsus n. (Medicine) prolapse.
PROLAPSUS n. (Latin) a prolapse.
PROPOSALSproposals n. Plural of proposal.
PROPOSAL n. something that is proposed.
PSORALEASpsoraleas n. Plural of psoralea.
PSORALEA n. a plant of the bean family.
PSORALENSpsoralens n. Plural of psoralen.
PSORALEN n. a drug used to treat psoriasis.
PULSATORSpulsators n. Plural of pulsator.
PULSATOR n. something that pulsates.
REPOSALLSREPOSALL n. (Shakespeare) reposal.
SAPROPELSsapropels n. Plural of sapropel.
SAPROPEL n. (Greek) a slimy sediment laid down in water, largely organic in origin.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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