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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing A, L, N, R, 2T and U

GRATULANTgratulant adj. Expressing pleasure or joy.
GRATULANT adj. expressing joy or satisfaction; congratulatory.
OUTLEARNToutlearnt v. Simple past tense and past participle of outlearn.
OUTLEARN v. to surpass in learning.
RELUCTANTreluctant adj. (Now rare) Opposing; offering resistance (to).
reluctant adj. Not wanting to take some action; unwilling.
reluctant adj. (Regular expressions) Tending to match as little text as possible.
RESULTANTresultant adj. Following as a result or consequence of something; resulting.
resultant n. Anything that results from something else; an outcome.
resultant n. (Mathematics) a vector that is the vector sum of multiple vectors.
TARANTULAtarantula n. Any of the large, hairy New World spiders comprising the family Theraphosidae.
tarantula n. (By extension) A member of certain other groups of spiders, generally characterized by large size, hairiness…
tarantula n. (Dated) A species of wolf spider, Lycosa tarantula, native to southern Europe, the mildly poisonous…
TREMULANTtremulant adj. Trembling, tremulous.
tremulant n. (Music) A mechanical component of a musical organ, designed to add vibration to the sounds produced by the instrument.
TREMULANT adj. tremulous.
TURNTABLEturntable n. A circular rotating platform.
turntable v. (Transitive, music) To play (a record) using a turntable.
turntable v. (Intransitive) To rotate or turn around using, or as if using, a turntable.
ULTRATHINultrathin adj. Extremely thin; of utmost thinness.
ULTRATHIN adj. very very thin.
ULTRATINYULTRATINY adj. very very tiny.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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