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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, I, O, P, 2R and T

APPARITORapparitor n. (Historical) An officer who attended magistrates and judges to execute their orders.
apparitor n. A messenger or officer who serves the process of an ecclesiastical court.
APPARITOR n. an officer in court who attends to execute orders, also PARITOR.
APRIORISTapriorist n. (Philosophy) A believer in apriorism.
APRIORIST n. a person who believes in Kant's theory of a priori cognition.
APRIORITYapriority n. (Philosophy) The quality or state of being known a priori.
APRIORITY n. the quality of being innate in the mind, or prior to experience.
ASPIRATORaspirator n. A pump which draws gas through a liquid.
aspirator n. A pump for removing gases or liquids.
aspirator n. A pooter (device for collecting insects).
CROREPATIcrorepati n. (India) Someone whose net worth is greater than one crore (ten million) rupees or other local currency.
CROREPATI n. in India, a person whose assets are worth at least one crore or a million rupees.
IMPERATORimperator n. An emperor.
Imperator prop.n. (Formal, usually italicized) The reigning emperor; male equivalent of Imperatrix.
IMPERATOR n. (Latin) a commander; an emperor.
OVIRAPTORoviraptor n. Any of several bipedal dinosaurs, of the genus Oviraptor, from the late Cretaceous period.
Oviraptor prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Oviraptoridae – oviraptors, a theropod dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous…
OVIRAPTOR n. a small two-footed dinosaur.
PARROTIERPARROTY adj. of or like a parrot.
PARROTINGparroting v. Present participle of parrot.
parroting n. Mindless repetition of words or ideas.
PARROT v. to repeat without thought or understanding.
PORTRAITSportraits n. Plural of portrait.
PORTRAIT v. to make a portrait of.
PRETORIALpretorial adj. Alternative form of praetorian.
PRETORIAL adj. relating to a pretor, a magistrate of ancient Rome, also PRAETORIAL.
PRETORIANpretorian adj. Alternative spelling of praetorian.
pretorian n. Alternative spelling of praetorian.
Pretorian adj. Alternative spelling of Praetorian.
PRIORATESpriorates n. Plural of priorate.
PRIORATE n. the state or office of a prior, also PRIORSHIP.
PRORATINGprorating v. Present participle of prorate.
PRORATE v. to divide proportionately.
PRORATIONproration n. (Telecommunications) In budgeting, the proportional distribution or allocation of parameters, such as…
proration n. (Telecommunications) In a telephone switching center, the distribution or allocation of equipment or…
proration n. (Accounting) In the insurance industry, the act of taking money that is currently due from the insurance…
RAPTORIALraptorial adj. Like or resembling a raptor; seizing or plundering, like a bird of prey.
RAPTORIAL adj. predatory, also RAPTATORIAL.
TROPARIONtroparion n. In Byzantine music and in the religious music of Eastern Orthodox Christianity, a short hymn of one…
TROPARION n. (Greek) in the Greek Church, a stanza or short hymn.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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