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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, I, 3N, O and T

ANDANTINOandantino adv. (Music) Of a tempo that is slightly faster than andante but slower than moderato.
andantino n. A piece of music played in this style.
ANDANTINO adj. (Italian) rather quicker than andante.
ANOINTINGanointing v. Present participle of anoint.
anointing n. Anointment.
ANOINTING n. the act of consecrating with oil.
ANTIUNIONantiunion adj. (Politics) Opposed to, or discouraging the formation of, trade unions.
anti-union adj. Alternative spelling of antiunion.
ANTIUNION adj. opposed to trade unions.
CANTONINGcantoning v. Present participle of canton.
CANTON v. to divide into districts.
CONNATIONconnation n. The congenital (or sometimes developmental) fusion of organs of the same type.
connation n. The learned impulse to behave in a certain way in response to specific stimulii.
CONNATION n. union, esp. of similar parts or organs.
DANTONINGdantoning v. Present participle of danton.
DANTON v. to dare, also DAUNTON.
INANITIONinanition n. The act of removing the contents of something; the state of being empty.
inanition n. (Medicine) A state of advanced lack of adequate nutrition, food, or water or a physiological inability…
inanition n. (Figuratively, philosophy) A spiritual emptiness or lack of purpose or will to live, akin to the Existentialist…
NONACTINGnonacting adj. Not acting.
nonacting adj. Not of or pertaining to acting.
NONACTING n. acting that is of poor quality or does not conform to conventional ideas of what constitutes acting.
NONACTIONnonaction n. The absence of action; failure to act.
NONACTION n. not action.
NONNATIVEnonnative adj. Alternative form of non-native.
nonnative n. Alternative form of non-native.
non-native adj. Not native; not indigenous to a particular area; foreign; invasive.
NONPLIANTnonpliant adj. Not pliant.
NONPLIANT adj. not pliant.
NUNNATIONnunnation n. Alternative spelling of nunation.
nunnation n. (Dated) A stammering speech disorder, in which the /n/ sound is given to other consonants.
nunnation n. (Archaic, rare) An inclination of Germanic languages to employ -n in endings.
PINNATIONpinnation n. (Botany) The organisation of a pinnate leaf.
PINNATION n. the state of being pinnate.
SANTONINSsantonins n. Plural of santonin.
SANTONIN n. an anthelminthic extracted from santonica.
TANNOYINGtannoying v. Present participle of tannoy.
TANNOY v. to announce by tannoy.
UNISONANTunisonant adj. Of a single sound; producing the same sound.
UNISONANT adj. being in unison, also UNISONAL, UNISONOUS.
WANTONINGwantoning v. Present participle of wanton.
wantoning n. (Archaic) wanton behaviour.
WANTON v. to behave in a wanton fashion.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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