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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing A, I, M, O, R and 2T

ANTITUMORantitumor adj. (Oncology) Inhibiting the development of a tumor.
antitumor n. Any substance that inhibits tumors.
ANTITUMOR n. a drug designed to prevent tumors.
AUTOTIMERautotimer n. An automatic timer.
AUTOTIMER n. a device on a cooker that can be adjusted in advance to turn the apparatus off or on at a set time.
ESTIMATORestimator n. A person who estimates, especially one who estimates costs.
estimator n. (Mathematics) A function of a random sample of a population used to estimate some parameter of the whole population.
ESTIMATOR n. one who estimates or values.
IMITATORSimitators n. Plural of imitator.
IMITATOR n. one that imitates.
IMPORTANTimportant adj. Having relevant and crucial value.
important adj. (Obsolete) Pompous; self-important.
IMPORTANT adj. of great import or consequence.
MEDITATORmeditator n. One who meditates.
MEDITATOR n. one who meditates.
MICROWATTmicrowatt n. One millionth (10-6) of a watt, abbreviated as μW.
micro-watt n. One millionth ( 10-6 ) of a watt, abbreviated as µW.
MICROWATT n. a millionth of a watt.
MITIGATORmitigator n. Someone or something that mitigates.
MITIGATOR n. one who mitigates.
MORTALITYmortality n. The state or quality of being mortal.
mortality n. The number of deaths; and, usually and especially, the number of deaths per time unit (usually per year)…
mortality n. (Figuratively) Death.
MOTIVATORmotivator n. Agent noun of motivate; one who motivates.
MOTIVATOR n. one who motivates.
MUTILATORmutilator n. Agent noun of mutilate; one who mutilates.
MUTILATOR n. one who mutilates.
STROMATICstromatic adj. Relating to stroma.
stromatic adj. Miscellaneous; composed of different kinds.
STROMATIC adj. of the nature of or resembling a stroma.
TIMARIOTSTimariots n. Plural of Timariot.
TIMARIOT n. (historical) a Turkish feudal militiaman.
TOMATOIERtomatoier adj. Comparative form of tomatoey: more tomatoey.
TOMATOEY adj. resembling the tomato.
TREMATOIDtrematoid adj. (Zoology) Of or relating to the Trematoda.
trematoid n. (Zoology) Any member of the Trematoda.
TREMATOID n. a kind of parasitic flatworm, also TREMATODE.
TRIATOMICtriatomic adj. (Chemistry, of a molecule etc.) Consisting of three atoms.
TRIATOMIC adj. having three atoms.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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