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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing A, I, L, N, R, T and V

ANTIVIRALantiviral adj. (Pharmacology) Inhibiting the growth and reproduction of a virus.
antiviral adj. (Computing) Eliminating or inhibiting the action of a computer virus.
antiviral n. (Pharmacology) An antiviral medication.
AVIRULENTavirulent adj. Not virulent.
AVIRULENT adj. of bacteria, not virulent.
EVITERNALeviternal adj. (Obsolete) eternal; everlasting.
EVITERNAL adj. eternal.
INTERVALEintervale n. An alluvial terrace or plain.
INTERVALE n. a low level tract of land, esp. along a river.
INTERVALSintervals n. Plural of interval.
INTERVAL n. a space of time between periods or events.
TRAVELINGtraveling v. Present participle of travel.
traveling n. (Basketball) A violation committed by progressing while holding the ball instead of dribbling it.
traveling n. The action of the verb travel.
TRIVALENTtrivalent adj. (Inorganic chemistry) Having a valence of three.
trivalent adj. (Of a vaccine) Protecting against three different (usually flu) viruses.
trivalent n. (Genetics) Any trivalent chromosome.
VERNALITYvernality n. The quality of being vernal or spring-like.
VERNALITY n. the quality of being vernal, springlike.
VIBRANTLYvibrantly adv. In a vibrant manner.
VIBRANT adv. vibrating, resonant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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