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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing A, I, L, N, Q, S and U

ALFAQUINSalfaquins n. Plural of alfaquin.
ALFAQUIN n. (Arabic) a teacher of Muslim law, also ALFAKI, ALFAQUI.
QUAILINGSquailings n. Plural of quailing.
QUAILING n. the act of quailing.
QUALMINGSQUALMING n. the state of having a qualm.
QUANTILESquantiles n. Plural of quantile.
QUANTILE n. any of the values of a random variable that divides a frequency distribution.
QUINELLASquinellas n. Plural of quinella.
QUINELLA n. (Spanish) a bet whereby the bettor must pick first two winners of a race but not necessarily in order, also QUINELA, QUINIELA.
QUINIELASquinielas n. Plural of quiniela.
QUINIELA n. (Spanish) a bet whereby the bettor must pick first two winners of a race but not necessarily in order, also QUINELA, QUINELLA.
SQUAILINGsquailing v. Present participle of squail.
SQUAILING n. the act of squailing, pelting with sticks.
SQUALLINGsqualling v. Present participle of squall.
squalling n. The act of one who squalls; a crying or wailing.
SQUALLING n. the act of making a squall.
SQUEALINGsquealing v. Present participle of squeal.
squealing n. The sound of one who squeals; a squeal.
SQUEALING n. the act of making a squeal.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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