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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing A, I, L, M, O, P and T

COMPLAINTcomplaint n. The act of complaining.
complaint n. A grievance, problem, difficulty, or concern.
complaint n. (Law) In a civil action, the first pleading of the plaintiff setting out the facts on which the claim…
COMPLIANTcompliant adj. Willing to comply; submissive; willing to do what someone wants.
compliant adj. Compatible with or following guidelines, specifications, rules, or laws.
COMPLIANT adj. yielding.
DIPLOMATAdiplomata n. Plural of diploma.
DIPLOMA n. a document indicating an honour or privilege.
DIPLOMATEdiplomate n. A professional who has earned a diploma.
diplomate v. (Transitive) To award a diploma to.
DIPLOMATE n. someone who holds a diploma.
DIPLOMATSdiplomats n. Plural of diplomat.
DIPLOMAT v. to act as a diplomat.
EMPTIONALemptional adj. Capable of being purchased.
EMPTIONAL adj. capable of being purchased.
MALTIPOOSmaltipoos n. Plural of maltipoo.
MALTIPOO n. a dog that is a cross between a Maltese and a poodle.
OPTIMALLYoptimally adv. In an optimal manner.
OPTIMAL adv. best, most desirable.
PALMATIONpalmation n. (Uncountable) The quality of being palmate.
palmation n. (Countable) A palmate structure.
PALMATION n. all or part of a palmate structure.
PHILAMOTSPHILAMOT n. (French) a dull brown colour, also FILEMOT, PHILOMOT.
PHILOMATHphilomath n. (Archaic) A lover of learning; a scholar.
philomath n. An astrologer or predictor.
PHILOMATH n. a lover of learning; a scholar.
PLATONISMplatonism n. Alternative letter-case form of Platonism.
Platonism prop.n. The philosophy of Plato.
PLATONISM n. the philosophy of Plato.
TRAMPOLINtrampolin n. Dated form of trampoline.
TRAMPOLIN n. a springy mat for bouncing on, also TRAMPOLINE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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