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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing A, I, L, M, 2N and O

ADNOMINALadnominal adj. (Grammar) Involving or relating to words that modify a noun.
adnominal n. (Grammar) The adnominal case: A word or phrase qualifying a noun, such as an adjective or a relative clause.
adnominal adj. (Grammar, dated) Of or pertaining to an adnoun (sensu stricto).
AGNOMINALagnominal adj. Of or pertaining to an agnomen.
AGNOMINAL adj. relating to an agnomen, an additional name.
ANTIMONYLantimonyl n. (Inorganic chemistry) Either the radical SbO- or the cation SbO+ containing antimony and oxygen.
ANTIMONYL n. a substance containing the monovalent group antimony oxide.
BINOMINALbinominal adj. (Taxonomy) consisting of two names.
binominal adj. (Taxonomy) pertaining to the noun binomen.
binominal adj. (Taxonomy) pertaining to the nomenclature system for the rank of species in biological taxonomy.
DENOMINALdenominal adj. (Grammar, linguistics) Denominative (deriving from a noun).
denominal n. (Grammar, linguistics) A denominative: a word, often a verb, that is derived from a noun or adjective.
DENOMINAL adj. derived from a noun.
LAMINGTONlamington n. (Chiefly Australia and New Zealand) A small square Australian/New Zealand cake made with sponge cake…
Lamington prop.n. A village in Highland council area, Scotland (OS grid ref NH7477).
Lamington prop.n. A village in South Lanarkshire council area, Scotland (OS grid ref NS9831).
MANDILIONmandilion n. A loose outer garment resembling a cassock or coat, often sleeveless, worn by soldiers over armour or…
mandilion n. Alternative form of mandylion.
MANDILION n. a loose outer garment worn over armour, also MANDYLION.
MANDOLINEmandoline n. Alternative form of mandolin (“kitchen tool”).
mandoline n. (Music) Archaic form of mandolin.
mandoline v. To slice using a mandoline.
MANDOLINSmandolins n. Plural of mandolin.
MANDOLIN n. a musical instrument of the lute kind, also MANDOLINE.
MANDYLIONmandylion n. (Chiefly Eastern Orthodoxy) often Mandylion: the Image of Edessa, a holy relic consisting of a piece…
Mandylion prop.n. Alternative letter-case form of mandylion.
MANDYLION n. a loose outer garment worn over armour, also MANDILION.
MANNITOLSmannitols n. Plural of mannitol.
MANNITOL n. a sweet alcohol obtained from manna, also MANNITE.
MELATONINmelatonin n. A hormone, related to serotonin, that is secreted by the pineal gland, and stimulates colour change…
melatonin n. Any material similar in its chemistry and effect to the natural hormone.
MELATONIN n. a hormone secreted by the pineal gland during the hours of darkness.
MINNEOLASminneolas n. Plural of minneola.
MINNEOLA n. a variety of citrus fruit developed from a tangerine and a grapefruit, also MINEOLA.
MOANINGLYmoaningly adv. With a moaning sound.
MOANING adv. making a moaning sound.
NOMINABLEnominable adj. Capable of being identified using a name.
NOMINABLE adj. that can be nominated.
NOMINALLYnominally adv. In a nominal manner; in name only.
nominally adv. Slightly.
nominally adv. As a noun.
NONANIMALnonanimal adj. That does not derive from an animal.
nonanimal adj. That does not involve animals.
nonanimal n. That which is not an animal.
NONFAMILYnonfamily adj. Not a member of the family.
nonfamily n. A social grouping that is not a family.
NONFAMILY n. something that is not a family.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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