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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, 2I, O, P, R and T

APRIORISTapriorist n. (Philosophy) A believer in apriorism.
APRIORIST n. a person who believes in Kant's theory of a priori cognition.
APRIORITYapriority n. (Philosophy) The quality or state of being known a priori.
APRIORITY n. the quality of being innate in the mind, or prior to experience.
BIOPIRATEbiopirate n. (Derogatory) One who engages in biopiracy.
BIOPIRATE n. one who practises biopiracy.
DIATROPICdiatropic adj. Exhibiting diatropism (any sense).
DIATROPIC adj. relating to diatropism, the growth of plant roots at right angles to an applied force.
OVIPARITYoviparity n. The condition of being oviparous.
OVIPARITY n. the production of offspring via eggs.
PAROTITICparotitic adj. Of or pertaining to the parotid gland, or to parotitis (mumps).
PAROTITIC adj. of or like parotitis, inflammation of the parotid glands.
PAROTITISparotitis n. (Pathology) Inflammation of one or both parotid glands.
PAROTITIS n. inflammation of the parotid glands, as in mumps, also PAROTIDITIS.
PARTITIONpartition n. An action which divides a thing into parts, or separates one thing from another.
partition n. A part of something that has been divided.
partition n. (Mathematics) An approach to division in which one asks what the size of each part is, rather than (as…
PATRIOTICpatriotic adj. Inspired by or showing patriotism; done out of love of one’s country; zealously and unselfishly devoted…
PATRIOTIC adj. devoted to one's country.
PERIAKTOIperiaktoi n. Plural of periaktos.
periaktoi n. A device for changing scenery in a theatre. A row of adjacent, three-sided columns form a backdrop to…
PERIAKTOS n. (Greek) in the ancient Greek theatre, a tall revolving prism at the side of the stage, projecting a variety of backdrops.
PICTORIALpictorial adj. Of, relating to, composed of, or illustrated by pictures.
pictorial adj. Described or otherwise represented as if in a picture; graphic or vivid.
pictorial adj. Stylistically similar to a painting, especially following the conventions of pictorialism.
PODIATRICpodiatric adj. Of or pertaining to podiatry, the medical specialty concerned with the foot.
PODIATRIC adj. relating to care of the feet.
PRIVATIONprivation n. (Philosophy) The state of being deprived of or lacking an attribute formerly or properly possessed;…
privation n. The state of being very poor, and lacking the basic necessities of life.
privation n. The act of depriving someone of such basic necessities; deprivation.
PSORIATICpsoriatic adj. (Dermatology, pathology) Of, pertaining to or suffering from psoriasis.
psoriatic n. An individual who has psoriasis.
PSORIATIC adj. suffering from psoriasis.
SPIRATIONspiration n. (Archaic) The act of breathing.
spiration n. (Theology) The procession of the Holy Ghost.
SPIRATION n. the act of breathing.
TAPIROIDStapiroids n. Plural of tapiroid.
TAPIROID n. any member of the tapir family.
TOPIARIANtopiarian adj. Of or pertaining to topiary.
TOPIARIAN adj. of or pertaining to the ornamental cutting and trimming of trees, hedges, etc.
TOPIARIEStopiaries n. Plural of topiary.
TOPIARY n. the art of trimming shrubs into shape.
TOPIARISTtopiarist n. One who carries out topiary.
TOPIARIST n. one who practises topiary.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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