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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, 2I, N, R, T and U

ANTIQUIERANTIQUEY adj. having the appearance of an antique.
ANTIVIRUSantivirus n. (Computing) A piece of software that is used to detect, delete and or neutralize computer-based viruses.
anti-virus n. Alternative spelling of antivirus.
ANTIVIRUS adj. designed to counter viruses.
CUISINARTCUISINART n. (tradename) a type of food processor.
INFURIATEinfuriate v. To make furious or mad with anger; to fill with fury.
infuriate adj. (Now rare) Filled with, characterized by or expressing fury.
INFURIATE adj. enraged.
MINIATUREminiature n. Greatly diminished size or form; reduced scale.
miniature n. A small version of something; a model of reduced scale.
miniature n. A small, highly detailed painting, a portrait miniature.
PURITANICpuritanic adj. Archaic form of puritanical.
Puritanic adj. Alternative letter-case form of puritanic.
PURITANIC adj. of or like a puritan, also PURITANICAL.
RAINSUITSrainsuits n. Plural of rainsuit.
RAINSUIT n. a waterproof jacket and pants.
RUINATINGruinating v. Present participle of ruinate.
RUINATE v. (archaic) to ruin, destroy.
RUINATIONruination n. The state of being ruined, a state of devastation or destruction.
ruination n. The act of ruining or wrecking.
ruination n. The cause of being ruined, destroyed or lost.
SATURNIIDsaturniid n. Any moth of the family Saturniidae.
SATURNIID n. any of a family of large tropical moths.
UNITARIANunitarian adj. Espousing a unitary view of something.
unitarian n. One who denies the doctrine of the Trinity, believing that God exists only in one person; a unipersonalist.
unitarian n. (Islam) A Muwahhid.
UNITARILYunitarily adv. In a unitary way.
UNITARY adv. of the nature of a unit; having the separate existence or individual character of a unit.
UNITARITYunitarity n. The quality or state of being unitary.
UNITARITY n. the quality of being unitary, forming a single or uniform entity.
URANINITEuraninite n. (Mineralogy) Any of several brownish-black forms of uranium dioxide, UO2, (especially pitchblende) that…
URANINITE n. uranium dioxide, the major ore of uranium, found most frequently in botryoidal form as pitchblende.
URINATINGurinating v. Present participle of urinate.
URINATE v. to discharge urine.
URINATIONurination n. The process of passing urine, that is, of eliminating liquid waste from the body.
URINATION n. the act of voiding urine.
URINATIVEurinative adj. Provoking the flow of urine; diuretic.
URINATIVE adj. provoking the flow of urine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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