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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, 2I, M, O, S and T

ALTISSIMOaltissimo n. (Music) The highest register of a woodwind instrument, or a specific note in this register.
ALTISSIMO adj. (Italian) very high.
ALTISSIMO n. the octave commencing an octave above the treble clef.
AMBITIONSambitions n. Plural of ambition.
AMBITION v. to seek with eagerness.
AMBITIOUSambitious adj. (Of a person or their character) Having or showing ambition; wanting a lot of power, honor, respect…
ambitious adj. (Followed by "of" or the infinitive) Very desirous.
ambitious adj. Resulting from, characterized by, or indicating, ambition.
AMORISTICamoristic adj. Pertaining or devoted to love; amatory.
AMORISTIC adj. amorous.
ANIMOSITYanimosity n. Violent hatred leading to active opposition; active enmity; energetic dislike.
ANIMOSITY n. hostility.
ATOMISINGatomising v. Present participle of atomise.
ATOMISE v. to reduce to a fine spray, also ATOMIZE.
ATOMISTICatomistic adj. Of or pertaining to atoms or to atomism.
atomistic adj. Divided into separate elements; not holistic.
atomistic adj. (Economics) Of a market: divided such that no single actor can noticeably affect market-wide values…
DIATOMISTdiatomist n. A phycologist who studies diatoms.
DIATOMIST n. a person who studies diatoms.
HIMATIONShimations n. Plural of himation.
HIMATION n. (Greek) a rectangular garment of ancient Greece, worn draped over left shoulder and wrapped around the body.
IMITATORSimitators n. Plural of imitator.
IMITATOR n. one that imitates.
IOTACISMSiotacisms n. Plural of iotacism.
IOTACISM n. excessive use of the letter iota.
KOMITAJISkomitajis n. Plural of komitaji.
KOMITAJI n. (Turkish) a member of the Bulgarian Revolutionary Committee in Macedonia; any Balkan guerilla, also COMITADJI.
LIMATIONSLIMATION n. filing; (figurative) the process of refining or improving the appearance of something.
MILTONIASmiltonias n. Plural of miltonia.
MILTONIA n. a plant of the Miltonia genus of tropical American orchids with brightly-coloured flowers.
MOSAICISTmosaicist n. A person who designs or builds mosaics.
MOSAICIST n. a worker in mosaic.
SIGMATIONsigmation n. (Grammar) The process of sigmating; addition of a sigma.
SIGMATION n. the addition of a sigma at the end of a syllable.
SIMPATICOsimpatico adj. (Of a person) Having a compatible temperament or pleasing qualities.
simpatico adj. Compatible (with a person, thing, etc).
SIMPATICO adj. (Italian) of like mind, compatible, also SYMPATICO.
STAMINOIDstaminoid adj. (Botany) Resembling a stamen.
STAMINOID adj. like, or metamorphosed into, a stamen.
TIMARIOTSTimariots n. Plural of Timariot.
TIMARIOT n. (historical) a Turkish feudal militiaman.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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