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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing A, 2I, M, 2N and T

AMANITINSamanitins n. Plural of amanitin.
AMANITIN n. a toxin produced by certain mushrooms.
ANIMATINGanimating v. Present participle of animate.
ANIMATE v. to give life to.
ANIMATIONanimation n. The act of animating, or giving life or spirit.
animation n. (Animation, in the sense of a cartoon) The technique of making inanimate objects or drawings appear…
animation n. The state of being lively, brisk, or full of spirit and vigor; vivacity; spiritedness.
ANTIMONICantimonic adj. Of or containing antimony.
antimonic adj. (Inorganic chemistry) Containing pentavalent antimony.
ANTIMONIC adj. containing pentavalent antimony.
ANTIMYCINantimycin n. (Biochemistry) Any of several lactone antibiotics, some of which are used for controlling fungi in fish farms.
ANTIMYCIN n. a crystalline antibiotic used as a fungicide etc.
ANTINOMICantinomic adj. Exhibiting or pertaining to antinomy; contradictory.
ANTINOMIC adj. relating to, or of the nature of, an antinomy, a contradiction between two logical conclusions, also ANTINOMICAL.
ELIMINANTeliminant n. (Mathematics) A resultant.
eliminant n. (Medicine) A drug promoting excretion or the removal of waste.
ELIMINANT n. an agent causing elimination of waste or abnormal matter.
INANIMATEinanimate adj. Lacking the quality or ability of motion; as an inanimate object.
inanimate adj. Not being, and never having been alive, especially not like humans and animals.
inanimate adj. (Grammar) Not animate.
INMIGRANTinmigrant n. A person who migrates to another part of the same region or country.
INMIGRANT adj. coming in from another area of the same country.
INMIGRANT n. an inmigrant person or animal, also IMMIGRANT.
MAINTAINSmaintains v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of maintain.
MAINTAIN v. to keep in proper condition.
MINIATINGminiating v. Present participle of miniate.
MINIATE v. to decorate with rubrics; to illuminate a manuscript.
MINIATIONminiation n. The act or result of miniating; a painting or tingeing with vermilion.
MINIATION n. the act of painting with minium.
NITRAMINEnitramine n. (Chemistry) Any amine having a nitro group substituted for a hydrogen atom; an amide of nitric acid…
NITRAMINE n. a yellow crystalline explosive, aka tetryl.
UNANIMITYunanimity n. The condition of agreement by all parties, the state of being unanimous.
UNANIMITY n. the state of being unanimous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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