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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, 2I, L, P, R and S

IMPERIALSimperials n. Plural of imperial.
Imperials n. Plural of Imperial.
IMPERIAL n. an emperor or member of an imperial family.
LAIRDSHIPlairdship n. (Scotland) The state or condition of being a laird.
lairdship n. The area of land owned by a laird.
LAIRDSHIP n. the office of a laird.
LIPARITESliparites n. Plural of liparite.
LIPARITE n. an acid igneous rock, aka rhyolite.
PILLARISTpillarist n. (Historical, Christianity) A stylite.
PILLARIST n. an ascetic living on top of a pillar, a stylite.
PISTILLARPISTILLAR adj. belonging or relating to a pistil, also PISTILLARY.
PRESIDIALpresidial adj. Belonging to a province, or being like a province; provincial.
presidial adj. Pertaining to a president or one who presides; presidential.
presidial adj. Having or relating to a garrison.
RIPARIALSRIPARIAL n. an inhabitant of a river bank, also RIPARIAN.
RIVALSHIPrivalship n. (Now rare). Rivalry.
rivalship n. (Fandom slang) A ship involving characters with an adversarial relationship.
RIVALSHIP n. rivalry.
SLIPRAILSsliprails n. Plural of sliprail.
SLIPRAIL n. (Australian) a movable rail serving as a gate.
SPIRALINGspiraling v. Present participle of spiral.
spiraling n. Alternative form of spiralling.
SPIRAL v. to move in spiral fashion.
SPIRALISMspiralism n. The tendency of employees to move and live in different places in line with their successive promotions.
spiralism n. A Haitian literary movement.
SPIRALISM n. advancement through a spirally structured career.
SPIRALISTspiralist n. An employee who moves and lives in different places in line with their successive promotions.
spiralist n. A writer involved in the Haitian literary movement called spiralism.
SPIRALIST n. someone engaged in spiralism; loosely, an ambitious person.
SPIRALITYspirality n. The condition of being spiral.
SPIRALITY n. the state of being spiral.
SPIRILLARspirillar adj. Resembling or relating to a spirillum.
SPIRILLAR adj. of or like a spirillum, a rod-shaped bacterium.
SPIRITUALspiritual adj. Of or pertaining to the spirit or the soul.
spiritual adj. Of or pertaining to God or a place of worship; sacred, pure; (Christianity, specifically) inspired by the Holy Spirit.
spiritual adj. Of or pertaining to spirits; supernatural.
SPIRULINAspirulina n. A food supplement prepared from blue-green algae of the genus Arthrospira found in soda lakes.
Spirulina prop.n. (Spirulina f) A taxonomic genus within the family Pseudanabaenaceae – certain cyanobacteria.
Spirulina prop.n. A taxonomic suborder within the order Spirulida – certain molluscs, with only Spirula spirula being extant.
SPORIDIALsporidial adj. Relating to a sporidium.
SPORIDIAL adj. of or like a sporidium, a secondary spore, or a filament produced from a spore, in certain kinds of minute fungi.
SPRIGTAILsprigtail n. (US, dialect) The pintail duck.
sprigtail n. (US, dialect) The sharp-tailed grouse.
SPRIGTAIL n. a species of duck.
SPRITSAILspritsail n. (Nautical) A form of three- or four-sided fore-and-aft sail and its rig, supporting the leech of the…
SPRITSAIL n. a sail extended by a sprit.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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