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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing A, 3I, L, N and T

ANILITIESANILITY n. the state of being an old woman.
CILIATIONciliation n. (Biology) The quality of having cilia.
ciliation n. The growth and development of cilia.
CILIATION n. the state of having cilia, hairlike lashes borne by a cell.
DIGITALINdigitalin n. Any of a mixture of glycosides, extracted from the foxglove plant, that are used as cardiotonics.
DIGITALIN n. a drug extracted from foxglove, used for heart complaints.
FILIATINGfiliating v. Present participle of filiate.
FILIATE v. to bring into close association.
FILIATIONfiliation n. (Uncountable) The condition of being a child of a specified parent.
filiation n. (Countable) The ancestry or lineage shared by a group having the same bloodline.
filiation n. (Countable, law) The determination of paternity.
INABILITYinability n. Lack of the ability to do something; incapability.
inability n. Lack of the option to do something; powerlessness.
INABILITY n. the absence of an inability.
INITIALEDinitialed v. Simple past tense and past participle of initial.
INITIAL v. to mark with the first letters of one's name.
INITIALERinitialer n. The artist who decorates the initial letters in an illuminated manuscript.
initialer n. The initial episode of a television show or series of films.
initialer n. One who initials a document.
INITIALLYinitially adv. At the beginning.
INITIAL adv. at the beginning.
LAMINITISlaminitis n. (Veterinary medicine) A disease of the digital laminae of the hoof.
LAMINITIS n. inflammation of a horse's lamina.
LATTICINIlatticini n. Plural of latticino.
LATTICINO n. (Italian) a type of Venetian glassware containing decorative threads of milk-white glass, also LATTICINIO.
TRICLINIAtriclinia n. Plural of triclinium.
TRICLINIUM n. (Latin) a couch for reclining at meals, extending round three sides of a table, and usually in three parts.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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