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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing A, H, I, L, S, T and U

AILANTHUSailanthus n. Any of several deciduous Asiatic trees of the genus Ailanthus, including the tree of heaven.
Ailanthus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Simaroubaceae – A small group of trees native to Asia, some now…
AILANTHUS n. (Amboina) an oriental tree, the tree of heaven, also AILANTO.
BISMUTHALbismuthal adj. Containing bismuth.
BISMUTHAL adj. of or like bismuth.
CLIANTHUSclianthus n. Any plant of the genus Clianthus.
Clianthus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Fabaceae – flowering plants in the legume family, comprising two…
CLIANTHUS n. (Latin) any climbing shrub of the genus Clianthus.
FAITHFULSfaithfuls n. Plural of faithful.
FAITHFUL n. one who is faithful.
HABITUALShabituals n. Plural of habitual.
HABITUAL n. someone who has a habit e.g. a drunkard, a drug-taker.
HALITUSEShalituses n. Plural of halitus.
HALITUS n. (Latin) an exhalation.
HAULMIESTHAULMY adj. of or like haulms, stems.
LAUGHIESTlaughiest adj. Superlative form of laughy: most laughy.
LAUGHY adj. inclined to laugh.
LUSTIHEADlustihead n. (Obsolete) Lustfulness, delight; licentiousness.
LUSTIHEAD n. (archaic) lustiness, also LUSTIHOOD.
SULPHATICsulphatic adj. (Chemistry) Of, relating to, resembling, or containing a sulphate or sulphates.
SULPHATIC adj. pertaining to a salt of sulphuric acid, also SULFATIC.
THALLIOUSthallious adj. (Chemistry) Alternative form of thallous.
THALLIOUS adj. containing thallium.
THALLIUMSthalliums n. Plural of thallium.
THALLIUM n. a rare bluish-white metallic chemical element.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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