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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing A, G, 2O, R, S and T

ASTROLOGYastrology n. Divination about human affairs or natural phenomena from the relative positions of celestial bodies.
ASTROLOGY n. the study of the supposed influence of the movements and positions of the stars and planets.
AUTOGIROSautogiros n. Plural of autogiro.
AUTOGIRO n. (Spanish) a rotating wing aircraft, also AUTOGYRO.
AUTOGYROSautogyros n. Plural of autogyro.
AUTOGYRO n. (Spanish) a rotating wing aircraft, also AUTOGIRO.
BOTARGOESbotargoes n. Plural of botargo.
BOTARGO n. (Italian) a type of relish made from mullet roe.
FOOTGEARSFOOTGEAR n. covering for the feet.
GASTROPODgastropod n. Any member of a class of mollusks (Gastropoda) that includes snails and slugs; univalve mollusk.
GASTROPOD n. a class of asymmetrical molluscs, including limpets, whelks, snails and slugs, also GASTEROPOD.
GLOSSATORglossator n. One who writes glosses.
glossator n. (Historical, law) A legal scholar of the Middle Ages, (specifically) one who authored glosses on legal…
Glossator n. Alternative letter-case form of glossator (medieval legal scholar).
GRASSROOTgrassroot adj. Alternative form of grassroots.
GRASSROOT n. relating to the ordinary people, the rank and file.
ROGATIONSrogations n. Plural of rogation.
ROGATION n. an asking or supplication, esp. in an ecclesiastical sense.
TOMOGRAMStomograms n. Plural of tomogram.
TOMOGRAM n. a photograph made with X rays.
ZOOGRAFTSzoografts n. Plural of zoograft.
ZOOGRAFT n. animal tissue grafted onto a human.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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