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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, G, N, O, 2S and T

AGNOSTICSagnostics n. Plural of agnostic.
AGNOSTIC n. one who believes that existence of God cannot be known but does not deny the possibility that God exists.
AGONISTESagonistes n. A person engaged in a struggle.
AGONISTES n. (Greek) one who is in the grip of inner conflict.
ANGSTROMSangstroms n. Plural of angstrom.
Angstroms n. Alternative letter-case form of angstroms.
angströms n. Plural of angström.
ASSORTINGassorting v. Present participle of assort.
ASSORT v. to distribute into groups according to kind or class.
ASSOTTINGassotting v. Present participle of assot.
ASSOT v. to make a fool of.
BOASTINGSboastings n. Plural of boasting.
BOASTING n. the act of boasting.
BOSTANGISbostangis n. Plural of bostangi.
BOSTANGI n. a Turkish palace guard.
COASTINGScoastings n. Plural of coasting.
COASTING n. coastal trade.
ESTRAGONSestragons n. Plural of estragon.
ESTRAGON n. a kind of herb, also STARAGEN, TARRAGON.
GLASNOSTSglasnosts n. Plural of glasnost.
GLASNOST n. (Russian) the policy of openness and forthrightness under the premiership of Mikhail Gorbachev.
GOATSKINSgoatskins n. Plural of goatskin.
GOATSKIN n. the hide of a goat.
KNOTGRASSknotgrass n. An annual plant, Polygonum aviculare, found in fields and wasteland.
knotgrass n. Paspalum distichum, a weedy perennial grass of wet areas.
KNOTGRASS n. any of several weeds of the genus Polygonum, with wiry jointed creeping stems and small pinkish or whitish flowers in the axils of the leaves.
ORGANISTSorganists n. Plural of organist.
ORGANIST n. one who plays the organ.
RAGSTONESragstones n. Plural of ragstone.
RAGSTONE n. any of various different kinds of stone of a hard coarse texture, which break up in flat pieces several inches thick, also RAGG.
ROASTINGSroastings n. Plural of roasting.
ROASTING n. a scolding.
STAGHORNSstaghorns n. Plural of staghorn.
STAGHORN n. a stag's antler.
STONERAGSSTONERAG n. a kind of lichen, also STONERAW.
TANGOISTStangoists n. Plural of tangoist.
TANGOIST n. a tango dancer.
TOASTINGStoastings n. Plural of toasting.
TOASTING n. the act of toasting.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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