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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing A, G, I, M, N, P and T

EMPARTINGemparting v. Present participle of empart.
EMPART v. (Spenser) to impart.
IMPACTINGimpacting v. Present participle of impact.
IMPACT v. to fix firmly together.
IMPARTINGimparting v. Present participle of impart.
imparting n. Communication (a giving or sharing of information etc).
imparting n. Distribution (a sharing or division of something).
IMPASTINGimpasting v. Present participle of impaste.
IMPASTE v. to lay colours on thickly.
IMPLATINGimplating v. Present participle of implate.
IMPLATE v. to put a covering plate over.
PIGMENTALpigmental adj. Of or pertaining to pigment.
PIGMENTAL adj. of or pertaining to pigments.
PTARMIGANptarmigan n. Any of three species of small grouse in the genus Lagopus found in subarctic tundra areas of North America…
PTARMIGAN n. (Gaelic) a game-bird of the grouse family.
STAMPINGSstampings n. Plural of stamping.
STAMPING n. the act of stamping.
STRAMPINGSTRAMP v. (Scots) to tread, stamp.
TAMPERINGtampering v. Present participle of tamper.
tampering n. The act of one who tampers.
TAMPERING n. the act of tampering.
TAMPONINGtamponing v. Present participle of tampon.
tamponing n. The application of a tampon or plug.
TAMPON v. to plug with a tampon, also TOMPON.
TOPMAKINGtopmaking n. The processing of wool into "top" (bundles of combed slivers with the noils removed).
TOPMAKING n. the making of toy tops.
TRAMPINGStrampings n. Plural of tramping.
TRAMPING n. the act of tramping.
TRAMPLINGtrampling v. Present participle of trample.
trampling n. The act of something that tramples.
TRAMPLING n. the act of trampling.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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