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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing A, G, I, L, O, P and S

APOLOGIASapologias n. Plural of apologia.
APOLOGIA n. (Latin) a written defence.
APOLOGIESapologies n. Plural of apology.
apologies n. Plural of apologie.
apologies n. A list of people unable to attend a meeting, typically presented as the first item on the agenda.
APOLOGISEapologise v. Non-Oxford standard spelling of apologize.
APOLOGISE v. to express regret, also APOLOGIZE.
APOLOGISTapologist n. One who makes an apology.
apologist n. One who speaks or writes in defense of a faith, a cause, or an institution.
APOLOGIST n. a defender by argument.
GALLIPOTSgallipots n. Plural of gallipot.
GALLIPOT n. a small glazed earthenware jar used by druggists, also GALIPOT.
GIGAFLOPSgigaflops n. Plural of gigaflop.
GIGAFLOP n. a measure of computing speed (a billion floating point operations per second).
LIPOGRAMSlipograms n. Plural of lipogram.
LIPOGRAM n. a piece of writing that avoids one or more letters of the alphabet.
PANGOLINSpangolins n. Plural of pangolin.
PANGOLIN n. (Malay) the scaly anteater.
PANLOGISMpanlogism n. (Philosophy) The Hegelian doctrine that the universe is the act or realization of Logos, and therefore…
PANLOGISM n. the theory that the Universe is an outward manifestation of the Logos.
PIGNOLIASpignolias n. Plural of pignolia.
PIGNOLIA n. (Italian) the edible seed of nut pines, also PIGNOLI.
PILOTAGESpilotages n. Plural of pilotage.
PILOTAGE n. the act of piloting.
PLAINSONGplainsong n. (Music) A form of monophonic chant in unison using the Gregorian scale, sung in various Christian churches.
plainsong n. (Music) A cantus firmus or theme chosen for contrapuntal treatment; so called because often an actual…
plainsong n. (Music) The simple notes of an air, without ornament or variation.
PRODIGALSprodigals n. Plural of prodigal.
PRODIGAL n. a wastrel, a spendthrift.
SPOILAGESspoilages n. Plural of spoilage.
SPOILAGE n. something that is spoiled or wasted.
TOPALGIASTOPALGIA n. pain in a particular spot.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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