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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing A, G, I, L, M, N and P

CLAMPINGSclampings n. Plural of clamping.
CLAMPING n. the act of applying a clamp.
EMPARLINGEMPARL v. (Spenser) to hold discourse, to parley, also IMPARL.
EMPLACINGemplacing v. Present participle of emplace.
EMPLACE v. to put in position.
EMPLANINGemplaning v. Present participle of emplane.
EMPLANE v. to put on an aeroplane, also ENPLANE.
EXAMPLINGexampling v. Present participle of example.
EXAMPLE v. to illustrate, show by representation.
GLAMPINGSGLAMPING n. a form of camping in which participants enjoy physical comforts associated with more luxurious types of holiday.
IMPARLINGimparling v. Present participle of imparl.
IMPARL v. to talk over, also EMPARL.
IMPLATINGimplating v. Present participle of implate.
IMPLATE v. to put a covering plate over.
NAPALMINGnapalming v. Present participle of napalm.
NAPALM v. to assault with a type of incendiary bomb.
PANLOGISMpanlogism n. (Philosophy) The Hegelian doctrine that the universe is the act or realization of Logos, and therefore…
PANLOGISM n. the theory that the Universe is an outward manifestation of the Logos.
PIGMENTALpigmental adj. Of or pertaining to pigment.
PIGMENTAL adj. of or pertaining to pigments.
PLANIGRAMPLANIGRAM n. an X-ray photograph of a selected plane section of the human body or some other solid object, aka tomogram.
SAMPLINGSsamplings n. Plural of sampling.
SAMPLING n. a small part selected for analysis.
TRAMPLINGtrampling v. Present participle of trample.
trampling n. The act of something that tramples.
TRAMPLING n. the act of trampling.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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