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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, G, 2I, R and 2T

ANTITRAGIantitragi n. Plural of antitragus.
ANTITRAGUS n. a prominence of the external ear, opposite the tragus.
ATTIRINGSattirings n. Plural of attiring.
ATTIRING n. the act of dressing.
ATTRITINGattriting v. Present participle of attrite.
ATTRITE v. to wear down, also ATTRIT.
GASTRITICGASTRITIC adj. of or like gastritis.
GASTRITISgastritis n. (Pathology) Inflammation of the lining of the stomach, characterised by nausea, loss of appetite, and…
GASTRITIS n. inflammation of the stomach.
GRANITITEgranitite n. Any of various types of granite containing a high percentage of biotite.
GRANITITE n. biotite granite.
GUITARISTguitarist n. Someone who plays a guitar.
GUITARIST n. one who plays the guitar.
INTRIGANTintrigant n. An intriguer.
INTRIGANT n. (archaic) a (male) intriguer, also INTRIGUANT.
ITERATINGiterating v. Present participle of iterate.
ITERATE v. to repeat, do again.
LITIGATORlitigator n. A person employed to litigate, a lawyer skilled in arguing in court.
LITIGATOR n. one who litigates.
MITIGATORmitigator n. Someone or something that mitigates.
MITIGATOR n. one who mitigates.
NITRATINGnitrating v. Present participle of nitrate.
nitrating adj. That promotes nitration.
NITRATE v. to treat with nitrates.
RAINTIGHTraintight adj. So tight as to exclude rain.
RAINTIGHT adj. rainproof.
STRAITINGstraiting v. Present participle of strait.
STRAIT v. to confine.
STRIATINGstriating v. Present participle of striate.
STRIATE v. to mark with striae, streaks.
TITRATINGtitrating v. Present participle of titrate.
TITRATE v. to measure the strength of a solution.
TRIGAMISTtrigamist n. A person who has three spouses; someone who commits trigamy.
trigamist n. A person who has a third marriage.
TRIGAMIST n. one who has been married three times; also, one who has three husbands or three wives at the same time.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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