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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing A, G, 2I, M and 2N

ANIMATINGanimating v. Present participle of animate.
ANIMATE v. to give life to.
EXAMININGexamining v. Present participle of examine.
examining n. Examination.
EXAMINE v. to inspect.
IMAGININGimagining n. Something imagined; a figment of the imagination.
imagining v. Present participle of imagine.
imagining v. Present participle of imagin.
IMPAWNINGimpawning v. Present participle of impawn.
IMPAWN v. (archaic) to stake, compromise.
INFLAMINGinflaming v. Present participle of inflame.
INFLAME v. to set on fire.
INMIGRANTinmigrant n. A person who migrates to another part of the same region or country.
INMIGRANT adj. coming in from another area of the same country.
INMIGRANT n. an inmigrant person or animal, also IMMIGRANT.
INSEAMINGinseaming v. Present participle of inseam.
INSEAM v. to cover with grease, also ENSEAM, INSEEM.
MACHININGmachining v. Present participle of machine.
machining n. The act or process of machining, of manufacturing or finishing by machine.
MACHINING n. process by machine.
MAGAININSmagainins n. Plural of magainin.
MAGAININ n. one of several chemicals derived from frog skin.
MALIGNINGmaligning v. Present participle of malign.
MALIGN v. to speak evil of.
MANRIDINGMANRIDING adj. used of equipment on oil rigs that is for use of personnel rather than for carrying material.
MARGININGmargining v. Present participle of margin.
MARGIN v. to provide with a border, also MARGENT.
MINIATINGminiating v. Present participle of miniate.
MINIATE v. to decorate with rubrics; to illuminate a manuscript.
MISNAMINGmisnaming n. The act of calling something by its wrong name.
misnaming v. Present participle of misname.
MISNAME v. to call by the wrong name.
REMAININGremaining v. Present participle of remain.
remaining n. (Uncountable, now obsolete or in theology) An act or occurrence by which someone or something remains.
remaining n. (Countable, rare) remnant.
SIRNAMINGsirnaming v. Present participle of sirname.
SIRNAME v. to give the family name to, also SURNAME.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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