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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing A, G, 2I, L, N and V

ANVILLINGanvilling v. Present participle of anvil.
ANVIL v. to shape on a heavy iron block.
CAVILLINGcavilling v. Present participle of cavil.
cavilling n. Cavillation.
CAVILLING n. raising trivial and frivolous objections.
GENITIVALgenitival adj. (Grammar) Having genitive form; pertaining to, or derived from, the genitive case.
genitival n. (Grammar) A genitive.
GENITIVAL adj. relating to the genitive case.
INGLUVIALingluvial adj. (Zoology) Of or pertaining to the ingluvies or crop of birds.
INGLUVIAL adj. of or pertaining to the ingluvies or crop of birds.
LAVISHINGlavishing v. Present participle of lavish.
lavishing n. Profuse giving.
LAVISH v. to give generously.
LAWGIVINGlawgiving adj. Enacting laws; legislative.
LAWGIVING n. the giving of law.
RIVALLINGrivalling v. (UK) present participle of rival.
RIVAL v. to strive to equal or surpass.
UNVAILINGunvailing v. Present participle of unvail.
unvailing v. Present participle of unvaile.
UNVAILE v. (obsolete) to unveil, also UNVAIL.
VIGILANCEvigilance n. Alert watchfulness.
vigilance n. Close and continuous attention.
vigilance n. (Obsolete) A guard; a person set to watch.
VIGILANTEvigilante n. A member of a vigilance committee.
vigilante n. A person who acts outside of legal authority, often violently, to punish or avenge a crime, right a…
Vigilante prop.n. A surname.
VIOLATINGviolating v. Present participle and gerund of violate.
VIOLATE v. to fail to observe duly, to abuse.
VIRGINALSvirginals n. Alternative form of virginal.
virginals n. Plural of virginal.
VIRGINAL v. (Shakespeare) to play on the virginal, a kind of mediaeval harp.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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