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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing A, 2G, I, N, S and T

AGATISINGAGATISE v. to cause to resemble agate, also AGATIZE.
AGENTINGSAGENTING n. the business of an agent.
FAGOTINGSFAGOTING n. a kind of embroidery in which some of the cross-threads are drawn together in the middle, also FAGGOTING.
GANGLIESTgangliest adj. Superlative form of gangly: most gangly.
GANGLY adj. awkwardly tall and lanky, also GANGLING.
GASTERINGGASTER v. to frighten, scare.
GESTATINGgestating v. Present participle of gestate.
GESTATE v. to carry in the uterus during pregnancy.
GIGANTISMgigantism n. The quality or state of being gigantic; being of abnormally large size.
gigantism n. A condition where there is over-production of growth hormone by the pituitary gland in a child before…
GIGANTISM n. a tendency to abnormally large size, also GIANTISM.
GLOATINGSgloatings n. Plural of gloating.
GLOATING n. the act of exulting.
GNATLINGSgnatlings n. Plural of gnatling.
GNATLING n. a little gnat.
GOATLINGSgoatlings n. Plural of goatling.
GOATLING n. a young goat.
GRAFTINGSgraftings n. Plural of grafting.
GRAFTING n. the act of making a graft.
KNAGGIESTknaggiest adj. Superlative form of knaggy: most knaggy.
KNAGGY adj. of wood, knotty.
RESTAGINGrestaging v. Present participle of restage.
restaging n. A staging again; thus…
RESTAGE v. to put on the same play again.
SIGMATINGsigmating v. Present participle of sigmate.
SIGMATE v. to add a sign to.
SNAGGIESTsnaggiest adj. Superlative form of snaggy: most snaggy.
SNAGGY adj. full of snags.
TANGLINGStanglings n. Plural of tangling.
TANGLING n. the act of tangling.
TWANGINGStwangings n. Plural of twanging.
TWANGING n. the act of twanging.
UPSTAGINGupstaging v. Present participle of upstage.
upstaging n. A situation where somebody or something is upstaged; thus…
UPSTAGE v. to outdo theatrically.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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