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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing A, F, L, O, R, S and U

APRONFULSapronfuls n. Plural of apronful.
APRONFUL n. an amount carried in an upturned apron.
FLAVOROUSflavorous adj. Having flavour; flavorsome.
FLAVOROUS adj. full of flavor.
FLOSCULARfloscular adj. Flosculous.
FLOSCULAR adj. composed of floscules, florets, also FLOSCULOUS.
FLUORSPARfluorspar n. (Mineralogy) A halide mineral composed of calcium fluoride.
FLUORSPAR n. a mineral, calcium fluoride, also FLUOR, FLUORITE.
FORMULARSFORMULAR n. a model or set form.
FOULMARTSfoulmarts n. Plural of foulmart.
FOULMART n. a polecat, also FOUMART.
FOURBALLSfourballs n. Plural of fourball.
four-balls n. Plural of four-ball.
FOURBALL n. a golf game for four golfers in teams of two.
FOURPLAYSFOURPLAY n. the supply to a customer by one provider of television, internet, and both fixed-line and mobile telephony, also QUADPLAY.
FRIULANOSFRIULANO n. (Italian) a cow's-milk cheese with firm pale-yellow flesh, and a mild flavour, originating in Friuli, Italy.
FUMAROLESfumaroles n. Plural of fumarole.
FUMAROLE n. a hole which emits volcanic vapours, also FUMEROLE.
FUSAROLESfusaroles n. Plural of fusarole.
FUSAROLE n. (French) a semicircular moulding around a column, also FUSAROL.
SCROFULASscrofulas n. Plural of scrofula.
SCROFULA n. (Latin) tuberculosis of the lymph nodes, esp. in the neck, giving rise to abscesses.
SUGARLOAFsugarloaf n. Alternative spelling of sugar-loaf.
sugar-loaf n. (Historical) A block of refined sugar, usually in the form of a truncated cone, in which form it was…
sugar-loaf n. (Obsolete) A hat shaped like a sugar-loaf.
ULTRASOFTultrasoft adj. Extremely soft; of utmost softness.
ultrasoft adj. (Motorsports) Softer than supersoft, and harder than hypersoft.
ultrasoft n. (Motorsports) Ellipsis of ultrasoft tyre.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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