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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing A, F, I, N, 2S and T

FAINTNESSfaintness n. The property of being or feeling faint.
FAINTNESS n. the state of being faint.
FANTASIASfantasias n. Plural of fantasia.
Fantasias prop.n. Plural of Fantasia.
FANTASIA n. a musical or other composition not governed by the ordinary rules of form, also FANTASIE.
FANTASIESfantasies n. Plural of fantasy.
FANTASY v. to imagine, also PHANTASY.
FANTASISEfantasise v. (Intransitive) To indulge in fantasy; to imagine things only possible in fantasy.
fantasise v. (Transitive) To portray in the mind, using fantasy.
FANTASISE v. to visualize in fantasy, also FANTASIZE.
FANTASISTfantasist n. One who creates fantasies.
fantasist n. One living in a fantasy world.
fantasist n. A writer who writes in the fantasy style.
FATTINESSfattiness n. The quality of being fatty.
FATTINESS n. the state of being fatty.
FEASTINGSfeastings n. Plural of feasting.
FEASTING n. the act of feasting.
FINALISTSfinalists n. Plural of finalist.
FINALIST n. a contestant who reaches the last part of a competition.
FISTIANASFISTIANA n. (facetious) anecdotes about boxers and boxing.
MANIFESTSmanifests n. Plural of manifest.
manifests v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of manifest.
MANIFEST v. to show clearly.
MANSHIFTSmanshifts n. Plural of manshift.
MANSHIFT n. the work done by one person in one shift.
SHAFTINGSshaftings n. Plural of shafting.
SHAFTING n. a system of rods for transmitting power.
STAFFINGSstaffings n. Plural of staffing.
STAFFING n. the provision of staff.
STRAFINGSstrafings n. Plural of strafing.
STRAFING n. the act of raking with machinegun fire from low-flying aeroplanes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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