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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing A, F, I, N, R, S and U

FIGURANTSfigurants n. Plural of figurant.
FIGURANT n. (Italian) a ballet dancer who dances only in groups, also FIGURANTE.
FRANCIUMSfranciums n. Plural of francium.
FRANCIUM n. a radioactive element.
FRAULEINSfrauleins n. Plural of fraulein.
Frauleins n. Plural of Fraulein.
fräuleins n. Plural of fräulein.
FRIULANOSFRIULANO n. (Italian) a cow's-milk cheese with firm pale-yellow flesh, and a mild flavour, originating in Friuli, Italy.
FUNDRAISEfundraise v. To raise funds for a specified cause or purpose.
FUNDRAISE v. to raise funds.
INFUSORIAinfusoria n. Plural of infusorium.
Infusoria prop.n. (Obsolete) A taxonomic class within the kingdom Protozoa – minute organisms, such as monads, Acinetae…
INFUSORIA n. a class of protozoa found in stagnant water.
NEFARIOUSnefarious adj. Sinful, villainous, criminal, or wicked, especially when noteworthy or notorious for such characteristics.
NEFARIOUS adj. evil, wicked.
SURFACINGsurfacing v. Present participle of surface.
surfacing n. Material used to make a surface.
surfacing n. The act of coming above the surface.
TRAINFULStrainfuls n. Plural of trainful.
TRAINFUL n. as much as a railway train can hold.
UNFAIRESTunfairest adj. Superlative form of unfair: most unfair.
UNFAIR adj. not fair.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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