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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, F, I, M, O, R and T

AFORETIMEaforetime adv. (Archaic) In time past; in a former time; formerly.
aforetime adj. (Archaic) Former.
AFORETIME adv. in time past; formerly.
CACTIFORMcactiform adj. Resembling a cactus.
CACTIFORM adj. cactus-shaped.
FIBROMATAfibromata n. Plural of fibroma.
FIBROMA n. a benign tumor, also FIBROID.
FOGRAMITEFOGRAMITE n. an antiquated person or thing.
FOGRAMITYFOGRAMITY n. the state of being antiquated.
FORMALISTformalist n. An overly formal person, especially one who adheres to current forms; a stickler.
formalist n. An advocate of formalism.
formalist adj. Of or pertaining to formalism; formalistic.
FORMALITYformality n. (Uncountable) The state of being formal.
formality n. Something said or done as a matter of form.
formality n. A customary ritual without new or unique meaning.
FORMATINGformating v. Present participle of formate.
formating n. Misspelling of formatting.
formating v. Misspelling of formatting.
FORMATIONformation n. The act of assembling a group or structure.
formation n. Something possessing structure or form.
formation n. The process during which something comes into being and gains its characteristics.
FORMATIVEformative adj. Of or pertaining to the formation and subsequent growth of something.
formative adj. Capable of forming something.
formative adj. (Biology) Capable of producing new tissue.
FORMIATESFORMIATE n. a salt of formic acid.
FORMICANTformicant adj. Crawling like an ant.
formicant adj. Having a crawling sensation like that of an ant sting.
formicant adj. (Medicine, obsolete) Of the pulse: weak and rapid.
FORMICATEformicate v. To move like ants.
formicate v. To have a sensation like the movement of ants.
formicate adj. Ant-like.
FUMATORIAfumatoria n. Plural of fumatorium.
FUMATORIUM n. (Latin) a place for smoking or fumigation, also FUMATORY.
FUMIGATORfumigator n. One who fumigates.
fumigator n. An apparatus for fumigating.
FUMIGATOR n. one who fumigates.
INFORMANTinformant n. One who relays confidential information to someone, especially to the police; an informer.
informant n. (Linguistics) A native speaker who acts as a linguistic reference for a language being studied. The…
INFORMANT n. someone who informs.
TAURIFORMtauriform adj. Having the form of a bull.
TAURIFORM adj. having the form of a bull.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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