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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing A, F, I, L, N, R and T

ANTILIFERantilifer n. (Derogatory) A person who holds pro-choice beliefs.
anti-lifer n. (Derogatory) Alternative spelling of antilifer.
ANTILIFER n. a person in favour of abortion.
FALTERINGfaltering adj. Hesitant, halting.
faltering v. Present participle of falter.
faltering n. Hesitancy.
FLATIRONSflatirons n. Plural of flatiron.
flat␣irons n. Plural of flat iron.
FLATIRON n. an iron for pressing clothes.
FLATLINERflatliner n. (Rare) A patient with no heartbeat.
FLATLINER n. one who flatlines.
FLAUNTIERflauntier adj. Comparative form of flaunty: more flaunty.
FLAUNTY adj. showy.
FRANTICLYfranticly adv. (Rare) In a frantic manner.
FRANTICLY adv. (Shakespeare) frantically, also FRANTICALLY.
INFLATERSinflaters n. Plural of inflater.
INFLATER n. one that inflates, also INFLATOR.
INFLATORSinflators n. Plural of inflator.
INFLATOR n. one that inflates, also INFLATER.
INTERLEAFinterleaf n. A leaf, often of tissue paper or other thin paper, inserted between the pages of a book to protect illustrations.
interleaf n. A sheet of paper or cardboard, placed between layers on a pallet to create a cohesive structure.
interleaf v. Same as interleave.
REFLATINGreflating v. Present participle of reflate.
REFLATE v. to inflate again.
REFLATIONreflation n. (Economics) The act of restoring a deflated general level of prices to a previous or desired level.
REFLATION n. an increase in amount of economic activity and spending.
REINFLATEreinflate v. To inflate or fill with air again.
REINFLATE v. to inflate again.
TRAINFULStrainfuls n. Plural of trainful.
TRAINFUL n. as much as a railway train can hold.
ULTRAFINEultrafine adj. (Of particles) Very fine.
ULTRAFINE adj. very very fine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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